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2.3. From concepts to words : Onomasiology~2.4. Conclusion 정리

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Cognitive Exploration of Language and Linguistics (2004) 의
2.3. From concepts to words : Onomasiology~2.4. Conclusion 부분을 정리한 자료입니다.
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2.3. From concepts to words : Onomasiology
2.3.1 Salience in conceptual domains : Basic level terms
2.3.2 Links in conceptual domains : Taxonomies
2.3.3. Fuzziness in conceptual domains : Problematical taxonomies

2.4. Conclusion : Interplay between semasiology and onomasiology


Semasiological analysis starts with a word & tries to discover the various senses it may have.
Onomasiological analysis starts from a given concept & investigate the words that used to name that particular concept.
▷ Purpose : help us find out where (new) lexical items come from and which mechanisms are used to introduce different words for the same concept into the vocabulary.
▷ Main purpose : to discover patterns in a group of conceptually related words(lexical field)
▷ Conceptual domain : any coherent area of conceptualization
ex) meals, space, smell, colour, articles of dress, the human body, the rules of football

참고 자료

Cognitive exploration of language and linguistics
Dirven, Rene (Edt), Verspoor, Marjolijn (EDT) 저| John Benjamins | 2004
판매자 유형Bronze개인인증


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2.3. From concepts to words : Onomasiology~2.4. Conclusion 정리
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