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2009년 고려대학교 국제학부 [국제통상특강]

자본주의 사회에서 정부가 중재자의 역할을 해야 한다는 점을 강조하고 있는 리포트입니다. LDC(Less-developed Countries)에 대해서는 국제적으로 소득격차가 벌어지고 있다는 점을 지적하고 있습니다.

Newsweek, ichelle Bachelet, ‘Ending the Washington Consensus’ (p.52)

The New York Times, Steve Lohr, ‘U.S. not always averse to nationalization, despite its free-market image’ October 13, 2008


1. Issue

2. Analysis
(1) Analytical Frame
A. The need for government intervention in terms of economic turmoil
B. Efforts to dilute the gaps in wealth
(2) Empirical Evidence

3. Conclusion

4. References:


Someone says there is Marx coming back, someone says there are socialist knocking the doors. Recent government intervention to the market system has become more powerful and necessary facing the economic depression and crisis and to dilute equity problem.

A. The need for government intervention in terms of economic turmoil
Even though the United States has a culture that celebrates laissez-faire capitalism as the economic ideal, but the practice is sometimes different. Over the past century, the U.S. government has nationalized railways, coal mines and steel mills, and it has even taken a controlling interest in banks when that was deemed to be in the national interest. When the Asian financial crisis occurred, experts diagnosed that the clumsy supervision of government on financial markets caused this brutal event. Only after adequate and cautious responses of the governments carried out, they could relieve the crisis.

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