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The Earlier The Better? : Critical Period Hypothesis Focused on Phonetic Development in L2 acquisition

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
7페이지/워드파일 MS 워드
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Critical Period Hypothesis Focused on Phonetic Development in L2 acquisition
제 2언어의 발음 습득에서의 결정적 시기 가설에 관한 연구

: Asher&Garcia (1969) ‘The Optimal Age to Learn a Foreign Language` 요약과
관련 reference의 요약 및 관련 내용 analysis


1. Introduction
2. Background of the Study & Research Question
3. Summary of Asher & Garcia (1969) `The Optimal Age to Learn a Foreign Language`
4. Critical review & Suggestions for Further Research
5. Conclusion



1. Introduction
One of the most widely studied factors in both first and (especially) second language acquisition is the role of age. Traditionally, the statement “earlier is better”, which is represented by Critical Period Hypothesis proposed by Lennenberg (1967), has been widely believed. Summary of numerous studies upon this topic is as follows: Adults and older children in general initially acquire the L2 faster than young children, but child second language acquirers will usually be superior in terms of ultimate attainment.
However, this issue is not only very famous, but also very controversial at the same time. Scholars have not reached an agreement with how old is the critical age or even the existence of this so-called critical period. Accordingly, further studies on this issue are needed. On the other hand, many scholars agree on that age is very influential factor in acquiring “pronunciation”. Therefore, this paper deals with CPH focused on phonetic & phonological development in L2 acquisition. In this paper, the most representative research on this field – the study of Asher & Garcia (1969) – is summarized, and a critical review including personal experience related to the topic is presented. Lastly, recommendation for further studies will be provided.

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The Earlier The Better? : Critical Period Hypothesis Focused on Phonetic Development in L2 acquisition
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