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Nuclear Weapon and Nuclear Power Industry

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
1페이지/워드파일 MS 워드
가격 1,000원 할인쿠폰받기


핵무기와 핵산업에 대해 쓴 글 입니다.




Now many cases in history has already proven that nuclear arsenal should be the first thing to be abolished for the sake of human peace, yet what matters is that whether the nuclear power industry also should be halted immediately along with nuclear weapon. People has made and even used nuclear weapon for their survival, causing others to death on the other side. There is no one way to justify the usage of nuclear weapon. However, in terms of the nuclear power industry, some might strongly support this effectiveness and powerful energy resource. But here is my question “Is it worthy enough to run the risk of losing our life?”

From the aspect of international security, the nuclear power industry can be seen as a motive raising an idea of using nuclear weapon. A country builds the more nuclear power plants can get the more accesses to the material of nuclear weapon easily. And no one can guarantee human beings` infinite greed when it comes to acquiring profits. Especially there are also some possibilities that nuclear weapon can be used for the purpose of terror, or worse, can be the target of being attacked.
To gratify our endless desire, we have already ruined a great part of our Mother Nature. Confronted by this global environmental crisis, it seems quite late for us to regret what we did to the nature, but by halting the nuclear weapon and the nuclear power industry we can still save ourselves and the Mother Nature from

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판매자 유형Bronze개인


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Nuclear Weapon and Nuclear Power Industry
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