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Praat Manual (프랏 설명서)

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
20페이지/워드파일 MS 워드
가격 2,000원 할인쿠폰받기


음성학을 연구하는 데 있어서 실증적으로 도움이 되는 음성분석도구인 Praat에 관해서 간략하게 소개해 놓은 설명서입니다. Praat을 처음 사용하는 데 있어서 도움이 될 거라 생각합니다.


1. What is Praat?
2. What is Praat for?
3. How to use Praat.
4. How is speech recorded?
5. How is pitch analysis done?
6. How is formant analysis done?
7. How is intensity analysis done?
8. How is duration analyzed?
9. How is fundamental frequency measured?
10. How is a waveform labeled?


1. What is Praat?
Praat is a speech-analysis program designed by Paul Boersma and David Weenink at the University of Amsterdam. It is a freeware program and can be downloaded from the Internet ( http://www.fon.hum.uva.nl/praat/download_win.html ). See Figure 1.
Figure 1 . Praat developers: Paul Boersma and David Weenink
2. What is Praat for?
Praat is a useful program to analyze speech. If offers a wide range of analyzing procedures, such as spectrographic analysis (e.g., pitch analysis, formant analysis, amplitude analysis, intensity analysis) and articulatory synthesis. In addition, a large amount of speech can be easily handled by using a script. Therefore, this program is helpful for phoneticians, speech pathologists, and general linguists.
3. How to use Praat.
When Praat is opened

9. How is fundamental frequency measured?
In order to measure fundamental frequency, click on the menu, Read, and then choose Read from file in the sub-categories in order to open a recorded file. See Figure 25.
Figure 25 . This Praat Objects window shows the recorded file extracted via Read.
In Figure 25, there are a variety of options on the right side. For example, click on Edit and the following window will appear. See Figure 26.
Figure 26 . Waveform of the selected file
On the top menu options of the given window, click on Pitch and on Show pitch in order for pitch analysis. A blue pitch contour will appear that represents the pitch of the selected file. See Figure 27.
Figure 27 . The waveform and pitch contour (blue curves) of the selected file
In Figure 27, to acquire fundamental frequency

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