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Insurance]The defence plan for domestic life insurance company along change of finacil environment

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
16페이지/한글파일 한컴오피스
가격 2,500원 할인쿠폰받기


The defence plan for domestic life insurance company along change of financial environment
대충 한글로 변역하면 금융환경 변화에 따른 국내 생명보험사의 대응방안 정도로 해석할 수 있겠습니다. 우선 한글로 만들고 영어로 번역한 것입니다. 참고한 내용 중에서 특히, 책에서 보고 옮긴것에는 밑줄을 쳐놨습니다. 용도에 따라 바꿔서 쓰시면 될듯합니다.


Ⅰ. Introduction

Ⅱ. Change of financial market environment
1. The Financial Services Modernization Act: Gramm-Leach-Biley Act
1) Definition of The Financial Services Modernization Act
2) Stateless of a financial service business
2. Change of financial industry environment
1) Aging of population
2) A development of a cyber market

Ⅲ. Change of the life insurance industry
1. Characteristic of the life insurance industry and distribution structure
2. Change of life insurance industry
1) The change of competitive composition
2) Recommendation of financial technology along aging
3) An appearance of cyber insurance sales

Ⅳ. The problem of the life insurance industry
1. The problem along The Financial Services Modernization Act
2. The problem along aging
3. The problem of cyber insurance

Ⅴ. The defence plan for domestic life insurance
company along change of financial environment
1. Development of a new product
2. The Growth power of a market through strategy alliance and M&A
3. The positioning strategy of a life insurance
4. Knowledge management of underwriter
5. A problem supplementation of cyber insurance sales

Ⅵ. Conclusion

※ Bibliography


Ⅰ. Introduction

If an insurance business act revised plan is passed through, an accident can sell to a derivatives products in our country. An insurance business act revised plan cannot be passed through so that one year passes, but I am passed immediately through, and an opinion called thing is dominant. An insurance business act revised plan is related to the Financial Services Modernization Act, and I think.
I prepared a homework about AIG to the last term insurance course. I was known at that time about the Financial Services Modernization Act based that a derivatives products was made from. While the law was approved in the USA, it brought a large wavelength in an American insurance market. The securities and bank industry sell insurance related product. And "Bancassurance" was made.
The insurance business of our country regulation is relieved gradually. Also, an insurance business act revised plan relieves also regulation. However, the company is gone bankrupt if they have wrong management as this AIG accident looks. If an insurance company goes bankrupt, it simply isn`t for one company to go bankrupt. It means a bad influence to a society. Therefore I confirm change of environment of the financial market, and I will think defence plan of domestic life insurance companies.

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