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Argument Essy _ Capital Punishment

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최종 저작일
3페이지/워드파일 MS 워드
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미국대학교에서 A 를 받은 argument essay 입니다.
사형제도를 반대하는 입장으로 썼구요. 정확한 MLA 형식과 Work cited page 도 포함하고 있습니다. 내용2장, Work cited page 1장, 총3장으로 구성되어 있습니다.




Capital Punishment is Another Way of Murder

Capital punishment or the death penalty is “the execution of a person by judicial process as a punishment for an offense” (Wikipedia). “As of April 1, 2008, the Death Penalty was authorized by 37 states, the Federal Government, and the U.S. Military” (Prosecuting Attorney). A human being is very valuable, so no human life should be taken. Even though a person committed a serious crime, does anyone have a right to put someone else to death?
Since the importance of human dignity has become such a big issue these days, the death penalty has caused considerable controversy. The opponents of capital punishment assert that in order to prevent ourselves from being additional murderers, we must do away with the unreasonable logic, “An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth” (New Oxford Annotated Bible, Matt. 5:38). On the other hand, the advocates of capital punishment claim that putting murderers to death is a fair way to compensate for the sorrow of victims` families. Some insist that it prevents people from committing more serious crimes. However, “the murder rate in non-death penalty states has remained consistently lower than the rate in states with the death penalty, and the gap has grown since 1990” (Cooper, 1).

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