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단순함의 법칙; The Laws of Simplicity

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
12페이지/워드파일 MS 워드
가격 1,500원 할인쿠폰받기


존 마에다의 베스트셀러 단순함의 법칙의 요약 정리 및 의견을 워드 10장 분량으로 영문으로 쓴 Book Review입니다.


Law 1 Reduce : The simplest way to achieve simplicity is though thoughtful reduction.
Law 2 Organize : Organization makes a system of many appear fewer.
Law 3 Time : Savings in time feel like simplicity.
Law 4 Learn : Knowledge makes everything simpler.
Law 5 Differences: Simplicity and complexity need each other.
Law 6 Context: What lies in the periphery of simplicity is definitely not peripheral.
Law 7 Emotion : More emotions are better than less.
Law 8 Trust : In simplicity we trust.
Law 9 Failure : Some things can never be made simple.
Law 10 The one : Simplicity is about subtracting the obvious, and adding the meaningful.


Law 1 Reduce

The simplest way to achieve simplicity is though thoughtful reduction.

This chapter throws the question of the balance between simplicity and complexity. This is originated from the different needs of the customer; some want a product to be user-friendly and others want everything to be done by a product. The answer to this question by the author is that the easiest way to simplicity is to remove functionality. He suggests a way that can get simplicity without significant penalty: SHE (Shrink, Hide and Embody). The first component of SHE, shrink basically suggests to remove everything possible to make product slim, light and thin. This reminded me of the success of iPod and failure of Sony MP3. When the trend of the gadgets was complexity with all the complicated functions, the iPod product was revolution. On the other hand Sony had to face failure when it decided that the potential customers do not want the LCD screen, however, further discussion on this will not be presented due to the irrelevance of the cause of the. The author said that the smaller the object is, the lower the expectations. The simple product lowers the expectations of the consumer and the satisfaction is doubled when it actually operates well enough. It was one of the point producers easily overlooks and end up with huge functions and failure. In the aspect of the efficiency it seemed define. The second of the SHE, hide was relevant to the information system in that it tries to hide the complex mechanism in the inside and shows only the simple parts. This presented visual of the tip of the iceberg. As already expected the author gave an example of the HIDE method with the interfaces of computer in these days. John Maeda also emphasized that the switch between complexity and simplicity should be controlled by the owner’s will not by the device’s will. Embody is the last component of the SHE method. It emphasizes that after having finished the states of Shrink and Hide, the sense of the value should be embedded and the marketing should give powerful message which plants strong belief in quality to the potential customer. Once again, this chapter says that when a product or a service is better to be small only when it can satisfy all the three component of SHE method.

참고 자료

The Laws of Simplicity
판매자 유형Bronze개인인증


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