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[영어작문] A Journey into Art

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8페이지/워드파일 MS 워드
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8장짜리 영문 에세이입니다. 예술에 대한 이해와 감상의 자세에 대해..Susan Sontag, E.M. forster, Annie Dillard, Walker Percy 등 유명한 작가들의 에세이를 인용하면서 전개해 나갔습니다.


서론-예술에 대한 이해, 예술, 특히 미술의 목적
본론-예술에 대한 감상의 필요성과 그 자세
결론-예술을 감상함에 있어 지적인 자세 그리고 주체적인 자세, 느끼는 감상, 생각하는 감상 사이의 발랜스를 지키는 것이 중요.


When I was a kid I didn’t realize that the stars were always in the sky, whether it was night or day mattered little to me, I thought that like most kids my age that stars didn’t exist during the day. I didn’t know that I couldn’t see the other stars because of the strong light cast by the sun.
We all have a tendency to believe in what we see. However there certainly are things that might be true that exists behind our first perceptions even if we can’t recognize or see it at first. So sometimes we shouldn’t just look at the things as they are, we should also try to find out some meaning it might be have beyond its appearance.

참고 자료

Harman, Willis and Howard Rheingold. Higher Creativity. Los Angeles: Jeremy P. Tarcher, Inc., 1984.

Lazor, David. “Seeing is Believing” Reprinted from The Little Acorn. May-June 1998.

Weschier, Lawrence. “Inventing peace: What can Vermeer teach us about Bosnia? A three-hundred-year-old lesson about fashioning order in a world of chaos.” New Yorker. November 20, 1996.

Sontag, Susan. “Against Interpretation.” A World of Ideas. 5th edition. Eds. Lee A. Jacobus. Boston: Bedford Books, 1998. 754-765.

Forster, E.M. “The Raison d’Etre of Criticism in the Arts.” Two Cheers for Democracy. New York: A Harvest Book. 107-123.

Percy, Walker. “The Loss of the Creature.” Ways of Reading: An Anthology for Writers. 2nd edition. Eds. David Bortholomae and Anthony Petrosky. Boston: Bedford Books, 1990. 423-436.

Dillard, Annie. “Seeing.” The Writer's Presence: A Pool of Essays. Eds. Donald mcquade. Boston: St. Martin’s Press, 1994. (Excerpted from Pilgrim at Tinker Creek. New York: Harpar Row, 1974.) 202-214.

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[영어작문] A Journey into Art
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