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송대(宋代) 천동사(天童寺)의 전각과 이용 - "선원청규(禪院淸規)"와 "오산십찰도"의 문헌을 중심으로 -

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최종 저작일
14페이지/파일확장자 어도비 PDF
가격 4,600원 할인쿠폰받기

* 본 문서는 배포용으로 복사 및 편집이 불가합니다.


발행기관 : 한국건축역사학회 수록지정보 : 건축역사연구 / 14권 / 2호
저자명 : 서아리, 홍대형

영어 초록

Ceremony is important to Buddhism as a part of the religious practice. Buddhist ceremony is a kind of discipline and it rules the Chan monastery life. This discipline, called $ulcorner$Qinggui(淸規)$lrcorner$ also forms a part of the practice for enlightenment in the Chan monastery(禪宗). Qinggui is derived from $ulcorner$Baizhang's monastic code(百丈淸規)$lrcorner$ which no longer exists. $ulcorner$Chanyuan qinggui(禪院淸規)$lrcorner$ is considered the oldest surviving Chinese monastic discipline. Its success is partly due to the emphasis in the Chan monastery on the succession of monks to abbot hood. Qinggui has been called the only discipline in Buddhist monastic life in religion. Whether it is also the discipline of the architectural space of the Chan temples is the focus of this thesis. The examination of this assumption may expand the meaning of Qinggui as embodying not only the religious form of discipline but also a fundamental part of the architectural archive. The majority of the buildings in the Chan monastery in Qinggui are related to $ulcorner$Five Mountains Ten Checks figures$lrcorner$. Most of all, it can be clarified that the elements of Qinggui are expressed through the analysis of the activities in each building. This proves that Qinggui has become a stipulation not only for the regulation of the monastery life but also the architectural code of the Chan temples. In conclusion, this study shows how the meaning of ceremony and monastery life in $ulcorner$Chanyuan qinggui$lrcorner$ can be expanded to include the design program of temples. The research proves that there is a basic code in the Chan temples for designing the structure of the monastery space. Similarly, $ulcorner$Five Mountains Ten Checks Figures$lrcorner$ was a diagram for examination and analysis as well as a tool for creating drawings of the temples in the Song era.

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송대(宋代) 천동사(天童寺)의 전각과 이용 - "선원청규(禪院淸規)"와 "오산십찰도"의 문헌을 중심으로 -
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