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석회계 입상알칼리재의 용출특성과 이를 이용한 인 결정화공정의 적용성

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
10페이지/파일확장자 어도비 PDF
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* 본 문서는 배포용으로 복사 및 편집이 불가합니다.


발행기관 : 대한상하수도학회 수록지정보 : 상하수도학회지 / 31권 / 6호
저자명 : 장향연, 박나리, 장여주, 안광호, 임현만, 김원재


1. 서 론
2. 연구방법 및 내용
2.1 석회계 입상알칼리재의 제조
2.2. 실험방법
2.2.1. 입상알칼리재 이온 용출능의 실험적 산정
2.2.2 이온 용출특성 칼럼테스트
2.2.3 인 제거 칼럼테스트
3. 연구결과 및 고찰
3.1 입상알칼리재의 Ca(OH)2 및 CaO 함량 산정
3.2 입상알칼리재를 활용한 이온 용출특성 칼럼테스트
3.2.1 수산화이온의 용출특성 시계열 분석
3.2.2. 입상알칼리재의 용출능 평가
3.3 입상알칼리재를 활용한 인 제거 칼럼테스트
3.3.1. pH 변화
3.3.2 인 제거효율 검토
4. 결 론
사 사

영어 초록

One of the major sources causing eutrophication and algal blooms of lakes or streams is phosphorus which comes from point and nonpoint pollution sources. HAP (hydroxyapatite) crystallization using granular alkaline materials can achieve the decrease of phosphorus load from wastewater treatment plants and nonpoint pollution control facilities. In order to induce HAP crystal formation, continuous supply of calcium and hydroxyl ions is required. In this research, considering HAP crystallization, several types of lime-based granular alkaline materials were prepared, and the elution characteristics of calcium and hydroxyl ions of each were analyzed. Also, column tests were performed to verify phosphorus removal efficiencies of granular alkaline materials. Material_1 (gypsum+cement mixed material) achieved the highest pH values in the column tests consistently, also, Material_2 (gypsum+slag mixed material) and Material_3 (calcined limestone material) achieved over pH 9.0 for 240 hours (10 days) and proved the efficiencies of long-term ion supplier for HAP crystallization. In the column tests using Material_3, considerable pH increase and phosphorus removal were carried out according to each linear velocity and filtration depth. T-P removal efficiencies were 87.0, 84.0, 68.0% and those of PO4-P 100.0, 97.0, 80.0% for linear velocity of 1.0, 2.5, 5.0 m/hr respectively. Based on the column test results, the applicability of phosphorus removal processes for small-scale wastewater treatment plants and nonpoint pollution control facilities was found out.

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