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Genetic Variation and Differences within and between Populations of Cultured and Wild Bullhead (Pseudobagrus fulvidraco) Revealed by RAPD-PCR

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9페이지/파일확장자 어도비 PDF
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* 본 문서는 배포용으로 복사 및 편집이 불가합니다.


발행기관 : 한국동물번식학회 수록지정보 : Reproductive & developmental biology / 29권 / 4호
저자명 : Jong-Man Yoon, Gye-Woong Kim, Hong-Yang Park



영어 초록

We used nine decamer primers to generate DNA fragment sizes ranging from 100 bp to 1,600 bp from two bullhead (Pseudobagrus fulvidraco) populations of Dangjin in Korea. 376 fragments were identified in the cultured bullhead population, and 454 in the population of wild bullhead from Dangjin: 287 specific fragments (76.3%) in the cultured bullhead population and 207 (45.6%) in the wild bullhead population. On average, a decamer primer was used to generate 34.2 amplified products in a cultured bullhead. A RAPD primer was used to generate an average of 3.1 amplified bands per sample, ranging between 2.5 and 6.0 fragments in this population. Nine primers also generated 24 polymorphic fragments (24/376 fragment, 6.4%) in the cultured bullhead population, and 24 (24/454 fragments, 5.2%) in the wild bullhead population. The OPA-16 primer, notably, produced which 11 out of 11 bands (100%) were monomorphic in the wild bullhead population. 110 intra-population-specific fragments, with an average of 12.2 per primer, were observed in the cultured bullhead population. 99 fragments, with an average of 11.0 per primer, were identified in the wild bullhead. Especially, 55 inter-population-common fragments, with an average of 6.1 per primer, were observed in the two bullhead populations. The bandsharing value (BS value) of individuals within the wild bullhead population was substantially higher than was determined in the cultured bullhead population. The average bandsharing value was 0.596±0.010 within the cultured bullhead population,. and 0.657±0.010 within the wild bullhead population. The dendrogram obtained with the nine primers indicates two genetic clusters, designated cluster 1(CULTURED 01~CULTURED 11), and cluster 2(WILD 12~WILD 22). Ultimately, the longest genetic distance displaying significant molecular differences was determined to exist between individuals in the two bullhead populations, namely between individuals WILD no. 19 of the wild bullhead population and CULTURED no. 03 of the cultured bullhead population (genetic distance = 0.714). RAPD-PCR allowed us to detect the existence of population discrimination and genetic variation in Korean population of bullhead. This finding indicates that this method constitutes a suitable tool for DNA comparison, both within and between individuals, populations, species, and genera.

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Genetic Variation and Differences within and between Populations of Cultured and Wild Bullhead (Pseudobagrus fulvidraco) Revealed by RAPD-PCR
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