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Schwab의 실제적 커리큘럼 이론의 비판적 재평가

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26페이지/파일확장자 어도비 PDF
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* 본 문서는 배포용으로 복사 및 편집이 불가합니다.


발행기관 : 한국교육원리학회 수록지정보 : 교육원리연구 / 17권 / 2호
저자명 : 윤병희

한국어 초록

Schwab은 실질적 패러다임에서 학교 커리큘럼 개발의 문제가 ‘이론적인 것’이 아니라 숙의와 절충기예를 중심으로 하는 ‘실제적인 것’임을 주장하고, 커리큘럼 연구의 성격을 급진적으로 재개념화 하였다. 그러나 불확실한 실제적 문제로서의 커리큘럼 개발 문재를 숙의 과정을 통하여 해결해야 한다는 통찰력에도 불구하고, 그의 연구는 학교태의 한 부분으로서의 커리큘럼과 이론적 개념으로의 교육을 구분하지 않고 있으며, 커리큘럼 연구의 학문적 성격과 정체성을 이론적으로 드러내지 못한다는 제한점을 안고 잇다. 생활세계의 실재로서의 커리큘럼과 교육을 개념적으로 혼동하는 데에는 절충기예, 공통요소, 학문의 구조 등과 관련된 복합적 문제들이 연루되어 있다.‘질제적인 것’ 즉 실제연구 자체도 일종의 이론적 실제 즉 이론화라는 실제임을 인식해야 한다.

영어 초록

About four decades ago, the field of cubiculum studies was diagnosed as ``moribund`` by J. J. Schwab. Its unjustifiable, inveterate reliance upon theories from other behavioral sciences had vitiated the underlying principles and methods. Noticeable was a tremendous impact on the North American curriculum scholars` way of thinking about theory and practice of the school curriculum. In contrast, d Korean counterparts have remained silent, except a number of sporadical comments on the some circumscribable parts of his masterpieces as a whole. Schwab addressed a radical but essential concept called ``the practical`` as an alternative mode of cumculum inquiry to that of the theoretic. It encompasses such unprecedented idiosyncratic concepts as deliberation, arts of eclectic, arts of the practical, and commonplaces in the field of curriculum, all of which, in the final analysis, are inextricably involved in the problem of the disciplinary nature and characteristics of curriculum inquiry itself. Drawing upon the traditional deliberative framework, he identified curriculum problem with an uncertain nia1, political practical problem and thus established solid theoretical foundations for ``curriculum making`` grounded on deliberation and arts of eclectic. While putting an emphasis on the practical as a warrantable methodology, however, he did not differentiate the reality of curriculum as a part of schooling in the mundane Life-world from the concept of education as a theoretical construct, either deliberately or inadvertently. In this process of theoretical misorientation, gone is a hermeneutical insight that Schwab`s theorizing endeavor for his practical theory of action and deliberation itself subsequently belongs to the realm of theoretical, theorizing practice.

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