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形態言語로서 Symbol과 色彩言語의 相關性 硏究

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최종 저작일
23페이지/파일확장자 어도비 PDF
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* 본 문서는 배포용으로 복사 및 편집이 불가합니다.


발행기관 : 한국조형교육학회 수록지정보 : 조형교육 / 8권
저자명 : 裵星美


Ⅰ. 序論
Ⅱ. 이론적 배경
Ⅲ. 형태언어로서 Symbol과 색채언어의 상관성 조사
Ⅳ. 형태언어로서 Symbol과 색채언어의 상관성 현황
Ⅴ. 문제점 및 제언
Ⅵ. 結論

영어 초록

When the man is recognized through visuality they are come from the selective and abstract courses. However, there exists a general rule among the man's subjectivities. The masscommunication is realized for such generality. Generality results from the potential impulse and desire of human beings and it is socialistic because it is the association and a common denominator which is accumulated according to his experience.
The visual design which is a premise for the social communicative function should be substantially corresponded with the perceptive generality and also it should be created suitable to common experience or association. So far as the communication plays its obvious role, both association and symbol are important since the communication itself is a social behavior.
The association has a common feature of a certain reaction with a lot of people and it has a meaning as a language which is generalized in connection with the tradition.
This thesis can be obtained following conclusions as a result of the investigation of correlations between symbol and colorful language as a morphology.
1. The general association plays a role of powerful and colorful language and so it realizes the formal image and changes into quite different meanings.
2. In case it is related with the experience concretely, it rather depends upon the abstract sensibility of colors.
3. If the form itself has a firm image, conceptually, the influence on the colorful language is decreased.
4. If the form makes a strong visuality by itself e.g. a sharp form the influence on the colorful language is decreased.
5. If the associable generality of the form itself is decreased, the colorful language functions strongly, and so it forms whole image.
6. "Red" is quite stimulated, powerful, high in the associable ratio, works a concrete association and realizes a comprehensive concept. In this regard, it was able to infer that "Red" is a color which has many experiences.
7. The lower color works more subjective sensibility rather than the higher color in lighting.
8. Colors with the association of contradictory sensibility are able to extract a kind of image as the related morphology.
9. "Black" is a colorful language with strong negative aspect at all.
10. It can be found that the variety of colors are insufficient in our artificial environment, for our color experiences are insufficient. Colorful languages were able to suggest the fact that it can be played an expressive economic role for the economic spirit of the thought which is a condition of visual design.
Based on the analytical result of these questionnaires, and as a result of the symbol mark analysis for 100 incorporated companies paid highest tax by the office of national tax administration's statistical data in 1984, a number of problems were appeared and therefore it was suggested as follows :
1. The symbol mark should be based on a formal and colorful language suitable for common experience or association, and it is required for the continuous investigation.
2. The image subject to concrete and general association is a constant in itself and on the contrary, it is a variable for the morphology adjusted basic vocabulary of the form, effective manipulation of colorful language and a proper mutual harmony. Here the active creativity is required by the designer. The exact communication can be performed only if these facts are proper and at the same time since it has an originality and the symbol mark is possible in close relation with peoples, it is expected to restore.
3. The colorful language should be dealt with coherent and thorough control after considering and selecting it that stresses a morphology as well as powerful language to change as a quite different image.
4. The form is suitable for the simple structure, if possible. When selecting the form, you have to find the original resource through the scientific investigation and evaluation by considering specific industrial name, relativity, relations with manufactured products, historical image of industries and so forth.
5. The symbol mark of large industrics with their many affiliated companies should be made as an elastic mark with future-directed and comprehensive image.
6. The reversal phenomenon of diagram and bases should be considered since the white space gives the mark dualistic image.
7. It should be made an effort to maintain the continuous freshness focused on the image change of the symbol mark.
8. The symbol mark should be reached to the dimension to load color sensibility and experiences for public peoples as a various colorful vocabulary with your responsibility when selecting the color because it is a sphere of the artificial environment.
Finally, understanding the human interest and the generality the man thinks and feels objective analytical ability and its use of proper forms and colors would be a power to create the effective visual language.

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形態言語로서 Symbol과 色彩言語의 相關性 硏究
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