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시화호 인공습지에서 수생식물의 유기물 생산과 낙엽 분해

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10페이지/파일확장자 어도비 PDF
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* 본 문서는 배포용으로 복사 및 편집이 불가합니다.


발행기관 : 한국습지학회 수록지정보 : 한국습지학회지 / 15권 / 3호
저자명 : 최광순, 김호준, 김동섭, 조강현


1. 서 론
2. 재료 및 방법
3. 결과 및 고찰
4. 결 론

한국어 초록

To provide the information for the wetland management considering the water treatment ability of macrophytes, the
growth characteristics and primary production by reed (Phragmites australis) and cattail (Typha angustifolia), and the
decomposition rate of organic matter produced were investigated in two sub-wetlands (Banweol and Donhwa wetlands)
of the Sihwa Constructed Wetland (CW) with different chemistry of inflows. The shoot height of P. australis and
Typha angustifolia began to increase in March, and reached its peaks in July and August (340cm and 320cm,
respectively). The shoot density of P. australis ranging 100~170 EA/m2 was higher than that of T. angustifolia (max.
78EA/m2). Standing biomass of P. australis ranged from 1,350~1,980 g DM/m2, with maximal biomass in Banwol
Upper Wetland. And it was larger in upper wetlands than lower wetlands. On the other hand standing biomass of T.
angustifolia (1,940 g DM/m2) was similar to that of P. australis in Banwol Upper Wetland. Primary productivity of P.
australis was in the order of Banwol Upper Wetland (2,050 g DM/m2/yr) > Donghwa Lower Wetland ( 1,840 g DM/m2/yr) >
Banwol Lowerr Wetland (1,570 g DM/m2/yr) ≒ Donghwa Lower Wetland ( 1,540 g DM/m2/yr), and that of T. angustifolia
(2,210 g DM/m2/yr) was higher than P. australis. Annual production of organic matter produced by P. australis and T.
angustifolia was 845 ton DM/yr (423 ton C/yr), and about 90% was comprised of that by P. australis. From the litter
decomposition rate (k) (P. australis: leaf 0.0062/day, stem 0.0018/day; T. angustifolia: leaf 0.0031/day, stem 0.0018/day),
leaf was rapid degraded compare to stem in both P. australis and T. angustifolia. The litter decomposition rate of leaf
was two times rapid P. australis than T. angustifolia, whereas that of stem was same in both. Annual litter decomposition
amount of P. australis than T. angustifolia was 285 ton C/yr(67.3% of organic matter produced by macrophytes), indicating
that 32.7% of organic matter produced by macrophytes is accumulated in the Sihwa CW.

영어 초록

To provide the information for the wetland management considering the water treatment ability of macrophytes, thegrowth characteristics and primary production by reed (Phragmites australis) and cattail (Typha angustifolia), and thedecomposition rate of organic matter produced were investigated in two sub-wetlands (Banweol and Donhwa wetlands)of the Sihwa Constructed Wetland (CW) with different chemistry of inflows. The shoot height of P. australis andTypha angustifolia began to increase in March, and reached its peaks in July and August (340cm and 320cm,respectively). The shoot density of P. australis ranging 100~170 EA/m2 was higher than that of T. angustifolia (max.78EA/m2). Standing biomass of P. australis ranged from 1,350~1,980 g DM/m2, with maximal biomass in BanwolUpper Wetland. And it was larger in upper wetlands than lower wetlands. On the other hand standing biomass of T.angustifolia (1,940 g DM/m2) was similar to that of P. australis in Banwol Upper Wetland. Primary productivity of P.australis was in the order of Banwol Upper Wetland (2,050 g DM/m2/yr) > Donghwa Lower Wetland ( 1,840 g DM/m2/yr) >Banwol Lowerr Wetland (1,570 g DM/m2/yr) ≒ Donghwa Lower Wetland ( 1,540 g DM/m2/yr), and that of T. angustifolia(2,210 g DM/m2/yr) was higher than P. australis. Annual production of organic matter produced by P. australis and T.angustifolia was 845 ton DM/yr (423 ton C/yr), and about 90% was comprised of that by P. australis. From the litterdecomposition rate (k) (P. australis: leaf 0.0062/day, stem 0.0018/day; T. angustifolia: leaf 0.0031/day, stem 0.0018/day),leaf was rapid degraded compare to stem in both P. australis and T. angustifolia. The litter decomposition rate of leafwas two times rapid P. australis than T. angustifolia, whereas that of stem was same in both. Annual litter decompositionamount of P. australis than T. angustifolia was 285 ton C/yr(67.3% of organic matter produced by macrophytes), indicatingthat 32.7% of organic matter produced by macrophytes is accumulated in the Sihwa CW.

참고 자료



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