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CO2농도와 온도증가에 따른 멸종위기수생식물 선제비꽃의 생태학적 반응

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
6페이지/파일확장자 어도비 PDF
가격 3,000원 할인쿠폰받기

* 본 문서는 배포용으로 복사 및 편집이 불가합니다.


발행기관 : 한국습지학회 수록지정보 : 한국습지학회지 / 15권 / 3호
저자명 : 장래하, 이승혁, 한영섭, 조규태, 유영한


1. 서 론
2. 연구방법
3. 결과 및 고찰

한국어 초록

The increased CO2 concentration and temperature affect ecological responses of plants. In order to know the effects of global
warming on the Viola raddeana Regal, endangered aquatic plant designated by the Ministry of Environment Korea, this study
was investigated at control and treatment(increased CO2 concentration + increased temperature) in glasshouse. Then, autecological
responses of V. raddeana were monitored and measured. As a result, shoot length, number of fruits per plant, number of
branch per plant, number of seeds per fruit, number of fruits per branch, and weight of 10 seeds were higher in control than
in treatment. number of leaves per branch was higher in treatment than in control. Length of axis, length of branch and
number of leaves per plant were not different between in the control and in the treatment. These results demonstrated that the
reproductive response of V. raddeana might be negatively influenced by increased CO2 concentration and temperature. The
global warming will be one of the main causes of extinction for V. raddeana Regal.

영어 초록

The increased CO2 concentration and temperature affect ecological responses of plants. In order to know the effects of globalwarming on the Viola raddeana Regal, endangered aquatic plant designated by the Ministry of Environment Korea, this studywas investigated at control and treatment(increased CO2 concentration + increased temperature) in glasshouse. Then, autecologicalresponses of V. raddeana were monitored and measured. As a result, shoot length, number of fruits per plant, number ofbranch per plant, number of seeds per fruit, number of fruits per branch, and weight of 10 seeds were higher in control thanin treatment. number of leaves per branch was higher in treatment than in control. Length of axis, length of branch andnumber of leaves per plant were not different between in the control and in the treatment. These results demonstrated that thereproductive response of V. raddeana might be negatively influenced by increased CO2 concentration and temperature. Theglobal warming will be one of the main causes of extinction for V. raddeana Regal.

참고 자료



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CO2농도와 온도증가에 따른 멸종위기수생식물 선제비꽃의 생태학적 반응
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