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미술관의 수집정책과 소장품관리 체계

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최종 저작일
31페이지/파일확장자 어도비 PDF
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* 본 문서는 배포용으로 복사 및 편집이 불가합니다.


발행기관 : 한국박물관학회 수록지정보 : 박물관학보
저자명 : 황규성


Ⅰ. 머리말
Ⅱ. 미술관의 소장품 관리체계
1. 소장품 관리체계 및 저작권 관리의 중요성
2. 소장품 수집정책의 수립
3. 소장품의 수집
4. 작품의 보관관리
5. 소장품의 대여
6. 소장품의 처분
Ⅲ. 맺음말

한국어 초록

미술관은 미술박물관의 약칭이다. 박물관 및 미술관 진홍법에 따르면, “美術館’이라 함은 文化
훨험의 발전과 -般公聚의 文{홉受 增進에 이1:I};q 하기 위하여 懶꺼館중에서 특히 書畵影刻工
藝建葉寫률 등 美納l 관한 짧파를 萬集관리 보존 調훌 꿈曉 展示하는 施設”을 말한다1) 이러한
미술관에 있어서 소장품은 전시 교육 조사 연구 등 정상적인 미술관 활동의 모든 근간이라고 할
수 있다. 특히 소장품관리의 시작단계라고 할 수 있는 소장품의 수집은 미술관들이 직면하고 있는
가장큰경제적, 윤리적 이슈중의 하나이다. <소장품수집〉이라는〈첫 단추〉를 어떻게 끼우느냐에
따라서 미술관의 기능 및 역할, 그리고 특성이 좌우될 수 있기 때문이다. 따라서 #홈에서는 ‘書畵
影刻工藝建集寫훌 등 美1iiijo11 관한 資料를 중심으로 미술관의 수집정책 및 소장품 관리체계를
살펴보고자한다 .

영어 초록

Museums acquire. manage and use works of art in order to perform roles that fit
their original purpose behind founding or mission statement. Because a collection is
the foundation of a museum' s regular activities such as exhibition, education,
research and studies, the question of what kind of works should be acquired,
managed and de-accessioned is very important topic for all museum.
For the museum to carry out collection activities, it need to clearly document its
mission statement. The mission statement is closely related to functions within
museum, and especially acquisition, management, exhibition, and de-accession of its
collection that determine many of these functions, it plays an especially important
In order to perform a stable management of the collection. a long-term strategic
plan for acquisition and management on the basis of the mission statement needs to
be established. Once a long-term strategic plan is in place. specific internal rules for
a systematized total management of the collection. i,e .. a collection management
policy must be in place as document. The collection management policy must
address general contents with regards to acquisition, management, use, copy right,
conservation and de-accession, and in addition, must be written within the limits of
domestic laws as well as international treaties.
Museum acquire their collection. usually through the methods such as excavation,
donation/bequest, purchase, and transfer. The important point in the acquisition of
a collection is to ensure that the museum attains the actual title, and accordingly
prepare and save necessary document. In particular, when the museum acquires a
work from a modern/ contemporary artist, the transfer of copyright, or shared title.
or permission to use. etc .. must be left in the form of a written copyright document
Once a work is acquired, it must go through the following steps conduct a
condition report → assign a temporary holding number → photograph → write up an
accession file → assign a permanent accession number → record in the manual
system → enter into the computer system → subsequent management. After
undergoing these procedures, it becomes part of the permanent collection.
Above, I have surveyed the principles and rationals, and procedures of methods
with regard to acquisition, management, use, and de-accession of a collection. If
each museum establishes a systematic policy and procedures for collection
management. it will greatly help the museum to perform its roles smoothly.
Furthermore, museum are obligated to educate the pertinent personnel through
continuous instruction about the meanings, values, and significances of the
collection. Finally, research and studies on collection management should be fostered
from academic and practical perspectives.

참고 자료



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