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충북지역 박물관 미술관 리매핑 방안 연구

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* 본 문서는 배포용으로 복사 및 편집이 불가합니다.


발행기관 : 한국박물관학회 수록지정보 : 박물관학보
저자명 : 변광섭


Ⅰ. 서 론
Ⅱ. 충북지역 박물관 미술관 운영실태
1. 국내 박물관 미술관 운영현황
2. 충북지역 박물관 미술관 운영현황
III. 충북지역 박물관 미술관 리매핑 방안
1. 지역 문화브랜드로서의 리매핑 방안
2. 도시 재생 및 지역경제 활성화로서의 리매핑 방안
3. 시민 문화향수 주체로서의 리매핑 방안
4. 문화산업클러스터 조성을 위한 리매핑 방안
5. 에코뮤지엄 및 참여형 문화공간으로서의 리매핑 방안
6. 지역 문화발전의 허브센터로서의 리매핑 방안
Ⅳ. 결 론

한국어 초록

문화의 세기라는 21세기의 가장 큰 특정은 자국(멈國)의 고유문화를 단순한 기능성과 기술력
이 아닌 차별화와 시장의 경쟁우위를 통해 국가 및 지역의 브랜드 가치를 높이 고 주민들의 삶의
질을높이는데 있다.
문회는단지 눈으로보이는것뿐만아니라오랜 역사와전통에 기반을둔정신적 유산을포함하
며, 새로운세기에 대처하기 위하여 변화하며 발전하는사회의 동적인 움직임을함께 의미한다1)
또한 문화는 국가나 지역의 정체성을 드러 내 며 이미지 창출의 역할을 한다는 것을 전문가 들의
시각을 통해서도 확인할 수 있다. 새뮤얼 헌팅턴은 세계 정치는 문화와 문명의 패선을 따라 재편
되고 있다고 주장한다 2) 전쟁과 사회적 계급, 빈부, 경제우위가 세계 질서를 가늠하는 잣대가 아
니라 국가마다 고유문화의 가치를 어떻게 내세우느냐에 따라 세계 질서가 태동하고 있다는 것이
다. 그동안 서구의 생존은 미국이 자신의 서구적 정체성을 재인식하고 자기문명을 보편이 아닌 특
수한 것으로 받아들이게 하려했다. 그러나 이것은 서구문명의 본질과 관계없는 대중문화의 확산
일 뿐이며 이에 대한 반동으로 각 문명의 특질을 대표하는 전통문화가 강화될 것이라고 내다보고

영어 초록

The most significant objective of today's museums and galleries is to attract its visitors
through creativity and interesting initiatives. making their visits worthwhile and
meaningful. Therefore museums and galleries should not be austere and difficult places
but rather a space to foster people's imaginations and understand the historical vitality
with the numerous exhibitions they organize.
For this, it is appropriate to take the recently released movie "The Night at the
Museum" as an example to represent one opinion in adding amusement and excitement to
the existing nature of museums. In this movie, the moment everybody falls asleep, a
fantastic world unfolds. Larry Daley (played by Ben Stiller), is a character portraying the
ultimate failure in life. He becomes a night guard of the Natural History Museurn in New
York to prove himself of being a respectable father to his son. To his surprise he discovers
that the museurn comes to life at night and therefore he experiences many incidences. The
movie introduces his mysterious encounters that are joyful and it ranges over several
genres of action, fantasy and adventure.
The point in mentioning this movie is to state that the number of visitors to amuseum
or the number of audiences to a movie, is less significant than influencing the minds of
people. It is the duty of museums and galleries to influence and change the lives of anyone
who visits the space. Moreover, museums are places for becoming futuristic cultural
places, opening new horizons for the public in any span of time and it should not be an
isolated place to present a specified period, society, or class of the past. Consequently, the
movie emphasizes the need for changes in museums. They should be reformed for increased participation by the public and to coexist with them, entering into the new
millennium, the 21st century.
Th prove the objective of this research, it is important also to mention Helen Keller' s
book. "Three Days to See". In the book. she states that she wished to visit the
Metropolitan Museum on the second day were she to receive sight and hearing for three
days. This sums up the importance of the role of museums, as they account for the history
of mankind and evolution. Therefore in order to understand herself she states her desire
to visit the Metropolitan Museum on the second day. This on its own is enough to
emphasize the important role of museums as a place of keeping our origins and history.
Furthermore two questions can be posed from reading the book: Why did she desire to
visit the Metropolitan Museum for one day of the three days and which exhibits would
move her.From this it is possible to detect that Helen Keller understood the role and
function of museums: the relics of the past displayed in the museum is the trace of
herself, the figure of neighborhood, and the trace of history. In a word. museums are an
animated cultural space enabling to discover herself, to recognize history and predict the
world of the future. The Cheongju National Museum is a vivid place where people enable
to take one look at the history and culture of Chungcheongbuk-do and has the graceful
natural environment and the beauty of the building to move cosmopolitan. Also, the
Cheongju Early Printing is a dynamic place to understand international printing culture
and learn the production process of Jikji easily and fascinatedly. In this regard, each
museum located in Chungcheongbuk-do has unique characteristics and stylish taste.
It is a fact that the most important international cities such as New York, Tokyo, Paris,
and London are filled with diverse cultural places like museums and galleries. Paris has a
constant stream of visitors touring about forty famous museums and galleries. London is
lined with museums filled with international valuable cultural treasures such as the
British Museum and the Victoria & Albert Museum. and the Museum street in New York
has a diverse lineage of museums and galleries that enable visitors to appreciate
magnificent artwork.
Museums have diverse roles such as a public institution promoting local community
development and devoting themselves to citizen, a lifelong study institute offering good
culture services, and a host institution leading local art and culture creatively.
Consequently. it is possible that museums crate local culture brand based on these diverse
Therefore, it is necessary that cultural basis is established to feel free to visit museums
and galleries and enjoy their exhlibitions. To form cultural basis and local culture brand.
the development of policies and supports by self-governing bodies would be preceded.
schools would apply to museums as an active educational institute, and enterprises would
foster donation for cultural developments.
Most of all, it is important that museums play roles to nurture creative cultural citizen,
to raise their pride, and to make a shortcut leading cultural cities and welfare. The reason
for this is that it would contribute to the local economy and the locals would become an
advanced welfare city without further delay by expanding and cultivating cultural places
such as museums and galleries with international competitiveness.
Therefore, the purpose of the research is to indicate ways to establish and to develop
cultural basis of Chungcheongbuk-do not only as a typical cultural brand of the Republic
of Korea but also as an intemational cultural brand through the remapping and the
administrative improvement of museums and galleries in Chungcheongbuk-do. Based on
the research. it is hopeful to establish substantially future oriented cultural foundation in
a local community.

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