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인천시의 박물관 및 미술관 건립을 위한 전략 수립

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* 본 문서는 배포용으로 복사 및 편집이 불가합니다.


발행기관 : 한국박물관학회 수록지정보 : 박물관학보
저자명 : 김미옥


Ⅰ. 서론
Ⅱ. 인천시 박물관/미술관 현황 및 운영실태 분석
Ⅲ. 인천시 박물관/미술관 건립계획 실태 분석
Ⅳ. 인천시 박물관/미술관 건립을 위한 전략
V. 결론

한국어 초록

1 995년 지방자치제도가 본격적 A로 시행된 이래 우리나라의 각 지방자치단체들은 문화기반시
설의 확충, 문화 교육프로그램의 개발, 문화 정책의 혁신 등을 토대로 하여 저마다 문화도시를 표
방하고 있다 문화산업의 발달과 더불어 문화에 대한 새로운 사회적 , 경제적 가치에 대한 인식이
증대되고 , 주 5일 근무제 실시를 계기로 문화생활에 대한 욕구와 수요가 이전과는 사뭇 다른 양상
을 보이며 가히 ‘문화의 시대’ 라는 말을 실감케 한다 이렇듯 일반 사람들의 문화에 대한 욕구는
‘삶의 질’ 로 대변되어 그것의 달성 여부가 한 도시의 경 쟁력 을 좌우할 정도가 되었다
하지만 인천광역시(이하 인천시)는 6대 광역시 중 울산광역시와 더불어 가장 문화적으로 열악
한 도시로 분류되곤 한다 산업 경제 중심 도시인 인천시는 문화시설도 별로 없고, 문화 예술 인
력도 빈약하며 , 문화 예 술 수준도 타 도시에 비해 떨어지는, 소위 ‘문화 불모지’ 인 것 이다 이중 가
장 심각한 문제는 바로 문화기반시설들 중에서도 박물관 및 미술관, 즉 전시시설이 턱없이 부족하
다는 점이다 박물관 및 미술관은 사회교육기관의 역할을 하는 곳이고, 공연시설과는 달리 상시적
으로 이용이 가능하다는 점 에서 시민들에게 미치는 문화적 영호t은 막대 하다고 볼 수 있다 하지
만, 문화관광부가 지난 2003년도에 발표했던 ‘문화기반시설 건립 지원현황’ 의 인구 대비 시설 부
족률 현황에서도 그 비율이 79% 인 것으로 나타나 전국 최하위 수준임이 드러났다. ‘인구 9만 명
당 1관’ 을 박물관 확충 기준1) 으로 설정했을 때 그 목표를 달성하려면, 인천시에는 자그마치 23
개의 박물관및 미술관이 확충되어야한댄결론이 나온다.

영어 초록

lncheon is very lack in cultural infrastructure; especially there are very few museums and
art galleries . The shortage rate of museum in terms of the population is 79. 1 % that is
surprising to see, and this problem was pointed out quite often by Ministry of Culture and
Tourism as well as the studies conducted by lncheon itself.
However, lncheon is now in a process of museum constru c tion expand the c ultural
enjoyment area and to develop the superior native tourism resources. When this plan is
completed, the citizens of lncheon will be able to enjoy museums with various themes such
as Incheon Museum of Modern Living History, Jajiangmyun Museum, Literature Museum,
and Immigration His tory Museum in Joong-gu, Daldongne Museum in Dong-gu, Toy
Museum in Seo-gu, Children’ s Museum of Global Culture in Nam-gu, Bupyung History
Museum in Bupyung-gu, and Ganghwa History Museum in Ganghwa-gun. From this point
of view, this study suggested questions on whether these 9 theme museums were taking a
proper, reasonable promoting process correspond to th e purpose of the construction.
Considering these questions as a starting point, the management situation of the museums
and art galleries in lncheon were analyzed and the construction situat?ons of the 9 theme
museums were investigated and understood the problems. Based on these facts, this study
suggested applicable strategies for the museums and art galleries to be built in Incheon area
later on.
The followings are summarized results. First of all, the biggest problem that the currently
operating museums and art galleries have is that they are located far from people making it hard to visit one and they don’t have enough specialists making exhibitions and
management unprofessional and they don’t have educational support for the citizens since
they have very few educational programs. These various problems result in a small number
of visitors during the year. There were only 161,9 14 people visited the museums and art
galleries in Incheon in a year. This figure is a third of the number of Busan, and still is a
smaller number compared to Daegu that has the same number of cultural infrastructure. In
other words, trus shows that the museums and art galleries in Incheon are barely contribute
to the citizens’ cultural life.
Then, how are the museums that are now in a process of construction planning?
Examination of the construction promotion situation of the 9 theme museums proved that
the sites for construction were selected without any accurate analysis, there were not
enough specialists, and there were no specific plans for the future operation or activities. It
is obvious that trus could be a repetitive rnass-production of museurns that are turned away
from the citizens.
Therefore, this study searched for the strategies that the construction and management of
the museums and art galleries should be promoted to be able to solve the problems
rnentioned above and to take a positive role in cultural life of the Incheon citizens. The
strategies can be divided into 3 categories . First one is a prograrnrning strategy. The
museums and art galleries should specialize frorn the inside by careful site selection and
artistic architectural style, space formation considering operational function, specialization
based on the collections, strengthening the exhibition planning, operating various
educational programs, and networking between the infrastructure. Second one is political
and financial resource strategy. There should be an improvement of policies, law, and
systems and a rational operation/creation of financial resources in detail to activate the
and art galIeries. Third one is an active operation strategy. The museums and art
galleries should have a proper specialized organization structure as well as various
marketing strategies.
Through these diversified strategies. the museums and art galleries in lncheon will be able
to obtain a native life style and a cultural identity of the region and satisfy the cultural needs
of the citizens establishing the cultural foundation of the society.

참고 자료



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