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백불암의 족내(族內) 관련 규범(規範)

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
69페이지/파일확장자 어도비 PDF
가격 9,800원 할인쿠폰받기

* 본 문서는 배포용으로 복사 및 편집이 불가합니다.


발행기관 : 영남퇴계학연구원 수록지정보 : 퇴계학논집 / 5권
저자명 : 최언돈


1. 서언
2. 족내 관련 규범의 구체적 내용
3. 결어: 족내 관련 규범의 의의와 특징

한국어 초록

본 논문은 百弗庵최흥원(崔興遠1705∼1786)이 부인동(夫仁洞)
과 칠계(漆溪)에서 樂土를 건설하기 위해 제시한 ‘규범(規範)’에 대
해 살피는 것을 그 목적으로 하고 있다. 백불암은 향촌사회와 동
성집단의 유교적 이상향을 만들기 위하여 ‘공동의 가치’, ‘도덕적
품격’ 및 ‘좋은 법도’를 세우는 것이 가장 중요하다고 생각했다. 이
러한 맥락 속에서 형성된 것이 訓, 箴, 銘, 家訓, 節目,
規約등이며, 修身·齊家, 族內, 族外및 堂號관련 규범으로 나
눌 수 있다. 또한 추상적·관념적인 토론보다 구체적이고 실천적인
차원에서 모든 規範을 고려했다는 점에서 實學的이며 그의 핵심
실천사상을 내포하고 있다고 말할 수 있다.
본 논문에서는 여러 규범 중에서 族內관련 규범을 중심으로, 洞
規敎育奉先分財의 네 가지로 분류하고 총 12종에 대해 검토하
였다. 그 특징을 정리하면 아래와 같다.

영어 초록

This paper is a study on Baek-Bul-Am(Choi- Heung-Won, 百弗庵, 崔興
遠1705~1786)'s Norm(規範) based on Confucianism, which he established
for the purpose of constructing his hometown(Otgol & Buindong-Dong) as
a paradise. Baek-Bul-Am's attention was paid to setting up 'moral
dignity’, ‘common value’ and ‘exemplary legislative custom’ which are
thought to be the most important points needed for the society of clan and
country as a confucian utopia.
The instructions(訓), the admonition(箴), the vigilance(銘), the family
motto(家訓), the regulations(節目) and the rules(規約) were made to meet
his belief and the Norm can be classified into four categories : moral
cultivation and home regulation(修身·齊家), the clan(族內), the country(族
外) and dangho(堂號). And the Norm can be said to be the practical core
of his thoughts because it was established on the rather practical and
pragmatic level instead of monotonous discussion and ideological disputes.
This paper discusses the total 12 items of the Norm related to the clan
which could be classified as 4 categories : the regulations of town(洞規),
education(敎育), ancestor worship, filial piety and brotherly love(奉先),
succession to property(分財).
His Norm contains 4 distinctive features as follows.
First, he tried overall institutionalization of the Norm to reinforce the
identity and a sense of belongingness to establish the confucian paradise of
family[clan]. The main system consists of Welfare fund(義庫) for poor
relations, Event of tribe harmony(重九會), Scholarship system(學齋節目),
The Fund and Regulations for ancestor worship(奉先立議) and so on.
Second, his ancestrial injunction calling for replacing the traditionalized
martial arts by literary arts(變武爲文) had affected forming
Baek-Bul-Am's Norm to enhance the dignity of his family tradition with
filial piety and brotherly love(孝悌之道).
Third, main factors which had influence on his Norm were as follows :
Family tradition of filial piety and brotherly love, Hsiao-hsueh(小學), Chia
li(家禮), Toegye(退溪), Gyumam(謙庵), Seuae(西厓), Hakbong(鶴峯),
Lyuhyun(旅軒), Chu Hsi(朱熹) and so on.
Fourth, his Norm was presumed to be mostly influenced by his mother,
Cho(趙氏, 1682∼1765), especially on home etiquette.
Further studies on this Norm should be performed in comparison with
other families.

참고 자료



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