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Challenges and New Strategies of Physical Education: The Projects for Reviving Physical Fitness of School Children and IOC

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7페이지/파일확장자 어도비 PDF
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발행기관 : 한국교육학회 수록지정보 : 교육학연구
저자명 : Kazuhiko Watanabe


Ⅰ. The Project for reviving Children's physical fitness:
Ⅱ. The 'Sports Science Education 'Project of the IOC medical Commission

영어 초록

First of all, an effort to raise the physical abilities of children in Higashi- Hiroshima City will be introduced. Higashi-Hiroshima City is located at the center of Hiroshima Prefecture. As a growing international science research center, many Universities, such as Hiroshima University, and private or government-run research facilities have accumulated in the area. The business district has grown overcrowded, and there are few playground facilities for children. As a result, children did not have enough chances to join exercise, which became an issue. Although the average fitness test scores of the city's elementary school students passed the national standards in many items, the individual results had a tendency to be bipolar; some students did a great deal of exercise while the others did little or no exercise. In response to this, in 2004 Higashi- Hiroshima City set up a three year plan which called for the enrichment of sports activities at school and in the community while emphasizing exercise in the student's daily lives.

For this purpose, it was necessary to have parents and teachers change their understanding of the importance of exercise. Together with the teachers, parents, and the community, fitness programs focused on children with low abilities were conducted by the city. The activities of the University should be also stressed. The scientific lecture has given to the teachers several times for a better understanding of the teaching physical exercise and sports skills the school children. As a result, in addition to the overall improvement in physical ability, there has also been a noticeable increase in the motivation and morality of the children.

The next point is the new project in the IOC Medical Commission. The new project of the "Sport Science Education" has performed in the Nagano Olympic Games 1998. The new research project has done as one of the research project of IOC Medical Commission. For presentation material, the panel and video has used. The project will be introduced as a challenge and new strategy of the physical education.

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Challenges and New Strategies of Physical Education: The Projects for Reviving Physical Fitness of School Children and IOC
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