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미디어센타의 발달과정에 관한 연구

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
25페이지/파일확장자 어도비 PDF
가격 5,400원 할인쿠폰받기

* 본 문서는 배포용으로 복사 및 편집이 불가합니다.


발행기관 : 한국교육공학회 수록지정보 : 교육공학연구 / 3권 / 1호
저자명 : 주영주


I. 서론
II. 미디어센타의 개념, 정의 및 기능
A. 개념, 정의
B. 기능
III. 미디어센타의 발달 과정
A. 태동기(1960년대 이전까지)
B. 초기발전 단계(1960년대)
C. 성숙기(1970년대-현재)
IV. 미디어센타의 통합저해요인
V. 결론

한국어 초록

1960년대 초반에 접어들면서 지식의 폭증, 공학의 발달 등에 따른 급격한 사회적 변화가 있게 되었고 교육현장에서도 전통적인 도서관과 시청각센타가 통합되어 운영되는 새로운 형태의 미디어센타가 등장하게 되었다.이는 교육현장에 있어서의 제문제를 해결하기 위하여 교수의 개별화 경향, 새로운 교수매체의 개발, 오픈 스페이스(open space) 개념의 확산 및 교육에서의 매체 적용과 관련된 법령의 제정으로 인한 행정적인, 재정적인 지원이 뒤따르면서 생긴 시대적인 요청의 결과라 볼 수 있다.

영어 초록

In the early 1960s‘ the explosion of knowledge and the development of technology brought about the rapid change in our society. ln the area of education, the traditional library and audiovisual center emerged as a unified media center.Development of media center can be grouped into three different stages quickening stage, early development stage and mature state ln the quickcning stage the theoretical foundation for the development of medla center was firmly established by prominent scholars such as Pastalozzi, Herbart, Skiner and DeweyIn the early development stage, starting from 1960s‘ elementary. middle and high school system adopted the new concept in building a media center Followings are major reasons for the emergence of the unified media center in the 1960s : First, a standard for the unified media program were published by thc joint research of ALA and DAVI. Second, new instructional methods were strongly dcsired due to the explosion of knowledge and the technologicaldevelopment of the instructîonal media. Third, Individuaized instructional methods were more emphasized in the teaching-Ieaming procedure. A unified media center is considered more relevant to the individualized instruction Forth, there had been a change in school facilities owing to the spread of the open space concept.Finally, strong national supporls were given to the unified media program through the enactment of NDEA and ESEA.In the mature stage, starting from 1970s, unified media center were finally settled in the school system, spreading to two - year colleges and universities The new concept of the unified media cneter were also adopted and spreaded rapidly to the European countries such as England, Spain and Switzland.In Korea however, the new concept of unified media center has not been fully recognized. The library and AV center are still separated from each other. Korea should move in the direction of integrating Jibrary system with AV center is view of foreign country‘s experience. In the process, Korea should milimize the cost of trial and error resulting from the integration by studying the foreign country’s expenenceFollowings are the suggestions for the achievement of unified media prograrns relevant to our situation : First. cooperatìon and underStandings of personnel engaged in the two fields are prerequisite to the establishment of the unified system. Second, training of professionaI specialists for the media center is a urgent task. Those persoonel should have knowledge io both fields. Finaily, nation-wide administrative as well as financial supports are the key to thesucessful operation aod maintenance of the unified media center.

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