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알코올 중독자 집단치료에서 해결중심 가족치료모델의 적용사례 분석

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
20페이지/파일확장자 어도비 PDF
가격 4,900원 할인쿠폰받기

* 본 문서는 배포용으로 복사 및 편집이 불가합니다.


발행기관 : 한국가족치료학회 수록지정보 : 한국가족치료학회지 / 6권 / 2호
저자명 : 정민희


III.해결중심 가족치료 접근과 집단 프로그램
IV.결과 및 논의

한국어 초록

본 연구는 해결중심 가족치료 모델이 사례 전반적인 이해에 도움을 주는 것 이외에도 이 모델의 치료기법이 클라이언트에게 구체적으로 어떤 반응을 갖고 있으며, 문제해결의 바람직한 방향으로의 전환에 도움이 되는가를 알아보는 작업을 해온 선험연구의 정교화(가족치료연구모임, 1995)에 방향을 같이하며, 해결중심 가족치료 모델을 집단프로그램으로 구조화시키고 다음과 같은 연구의 목적을 설정하였다.
알코올 중독자를 대상으로 해결중심 가족치료 모델을 적용한 집단치료 프로그램을 실시, 잘못된 음주 습관의 해결에 대한 긍정적 변화를 알아보고 이를 통해 해결중심 가족치료 모델의 집단치료 프로그램으로서 적용 가능성을 제시한다.

영어 초록

The purpose of this research is to examine the feasibility of application of the Solution-Focused Family Therapy Model on alcoholic treatment, and to evaluate the positive change effects of structured group therapy program on alcoholics. This study presents the following conclusion and suggestions for further research based on the implementation and analysis of organized group therapy program which this research has utilized.
The strategic and concise approach of Solution-Focused Family Therapy has been proved to be very effective on client's behavior modification through group dynamic effect. When the Solution-Focused Family Therapy has applied as a group therapy program, clients through feedback and interaction among group members. The positive change among fellow clients contributed toward the effective treatment of clients as they realized the desirable way of thinking and recognize the behavior pattern.
Also pre-first session questions provided the clients to recognized their own responsibilities to solve the problem and motivated them to participate actively on the group therapy program. Also the exception question, miracle question and coping question helped them not only to overcome the feelings of helpless and frustration but also proved to recover the clients' self-esteem, and effective to adjusting to the normal life after they discharged from the group therapy program. The scaling questions helped clients to set the 5realistic and concrete goals and to accomplish this goals.
Since there are not very many therapy programs for alcoholics. this new approach of group setting program of Solution-Focused Family Therapy Model would contribute significantly to improve the treatment of alcoholics. However further in-depth research is necessary on the individual goal setting method, establishing appropriate relationship and emotional stability between clients and therapist. Also because of the Solution-Focused Family Therapy may be able to use in various aspects, it is strongly recommend to apply this model to different situations and areas to make further progress and, to put continuos effort to develop the measuring instruments to evaluate the effectiveness of the treatment program for alcoholics.

참고 자료



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알코올 중독자 집단치료에서 해결중심 가족치료모델의 적용사례 분석
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