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Skills for Success5 3rd - 2-2 The Dark Side of the Gig Economy 수업용

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Skills for Success5 3rd - 2-2 수업용
The Dark Side of the Gig Economy

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1. We are taught from an early age that “sharing is caring.”
2. More than a decade after the first sharing sites emerged, the reality is starkly different.
3. Consider the case of Jackie, a hypothetical worker in a coffee shop, profiled by writer Matthew Biggins in a recent newspaper article.
4. Former U.S. Secretary of Labor Robert Reich calls this the "share-the-scraps" economy.
5. Sundararajan looks forward to a brave new world of "micro-entrepreneurs" as flexible freelance work replaces the traditional full-time job.
6. In Canada, for example, a recent report by a human resources agency found that as much as 30% of the workforce comprises "non-traditional workers."
7. Why should we be concerned about this large number of young people with gigs rather than fulltime jobs?
8. That degree of dependence should alarm people who drive cars for a ride-share service, or rent their rooms online, or provide freelance services through an app.
9. Some social entrepreneurs like Antonin Léonard, co-founder of the French online network OuiShare, remain optimistic.


1. We are taught from an early age that “sharing is caring.”
우리는 어릴 때부터 “나눔이 곧 보살핌”이라고 배웠다.
care 돌보다, 보살피다, 마을을 쓰다

We tell our children to share their toys. "A trouble shared is a trouble halved," the saying goes.
우리는 우리 아이들에게 장난감을 함께 갖고 놀라고 가르친다. “어려움을 나누면 반으로 줄어든다”는 속담도 있다.
share ~을 남과 공유하다, ~을 나누다 / halve …을 반분[양분]하다, 이등분하다; …을 [남과] 절반씩 가르다

The sharing economy certainly sounds like a good thing.
공유 경제는 분명히 좋은 것처럼 들린다.

Advocates claim that the sharing economy is driven by the desire to benefit society.
옹호자들은 주장한다. 공유 경제가 사회를 이롭게 하기 위한 욕구에 의해 작동된다고
advocate […의] 지지자, 옹호자 / drive (종종 수동태) [동력 등이] [기계를] 움직이다 /

Thanks to popular websites and apps, users can share their cars, their spare bedrooms, their power tools, and even their own time and talents.
인기있는 웹사이트와 앱들 덕분에, 사용자들은 그들의 (자녀) 자동차, 그들의 빈 침실, 전동 공구, 그리고 심지어 자식들의 시간과 재능을 공유할 수 있다.
spare 예비의, 따로 남겨둔 / power tool 전동공구 /

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