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영어에세이,영작,영어영작문 Effects of getting drunk(술효과)

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1페이지/한글파일 한컴오피스
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영어작문시간에 Cause& effect에 관한 에세이 입니다.
Effect에 대해 썼구요




After graduating from high school in Korea, it is common for people to start to live the drinking life until we die. Also we see people drinking on the TV or in the street. The reason why people drink is diverse. People drink, because they want to be close with others and from time to time they are forced to have a drink. What about the effects of getting drunk? The effects could be bad or good.

One common effect of getting drunk is related to physical changes. If you walk around a pub-crowded street tonight, you could easily find someone throwing up on the street or staggering with tottering steps. Probably you`ve experienced that your tongue is twisted to say something unclear or difficult to understand and you have a headache. Some chemicals in alcohol cause your body to change or your brain to work improperly. In a extreme case, people could undergo a blackout of memory after drinking alcohol too much and they can`t remember what they do when they are drunk after the drinking day. Like this, getting drunk cause physical changes.

Another effect of getting drunk is about mental changes. Usually people are more likely to be open-minded to each other when they are drunk. It can be a good solution to drink, when you are unfamiliar with people and you`d like to be close with them. While drinking alcohol, people lose their inhabitation so that they might talk with each other more frankly. However, we need to be careful not to get carried away to the extent that you make others feel uncomfortable. Sometimes people overact too much and they would regret what they do.

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판매자 유형Bronze개인


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영어에세이,영작,영어영작문 Effects of getting drunk(술효과)
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