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Harvard business case -Apple computer,2006

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Harvard business case book
Discussion Question for Apple computer 2006 case


Discussion Question for Apple computer 2006 case 중 2번에 관한 답입니다.

2. Analyze the structure of the personal computer industry over the last 15 years. How have the dynamics of the PC industry changed?


2. Analyze the structure of the personal computer industry over the last 15 years. How have the dynamics of the PC industry changed?

By 2005, there were nearly 900 million PCs in use around the world. The first Personal Computer was devised by Apple in 1970s. The total revenue in the industry has grown consistently until now, and the leader of the market has been changed from time to time to fulfill the needs of customers. Because the market has been matured, now days PC manufacturers have faced the fierce competition on price.

Apple & IBM
In 1980s, Apple and IBM dedicated to the expansion of personal computer industry. The pioneer of pc market was Apple. Under the mission of ‘bring an easy-to-use computer to every man, woman, and child’, the company launched the Apple 2, a relatively simple machine that people could use straight out of the bow in April 1978. Thanks to the success, Apple became the leader of PC industry. However its competitive position changed fundamentally in 1981, when IBM entered to the industry. Based on Microsoft’s DOS operating system and a CPU from Intel, IBM has dominated the PC market. IBM PC was a relatively “open” system that other producers could clone. As IMB-compatibles proliferated, Apple’s market share dropped sharply, falling to 6.2% in 1982.

IBM tried to boost its margins by building a more proprietary PC, but instead, it lost more than half of its market share, as well as its claim to being the standard bearer for the industry. By the early 1990s, “Wintel” had replaced “IBM-compatible” as the dominant standard. Throughout the 1990s, thousands of manufacturers, ranging from Compaq and Dell to no-name clone market, built PCs around standard building blocks from Microsoft and Intel.

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Harvard business school case book
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