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[인문]배아줄기세포 연구 관련 영문 리포트 . stem cell research

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최종 저작일
3페이지/워드파일 MS 워드
가격 1,500원 할인쿠폰받기


줄기세포연구에 찬성하는 영문 argument essay입니다.




Are you against stem cell research? Is there anyone who has an incurable disease in your family? Or have you ever thought about being disabled by an unexpected accident? There are many diseases like diabetes, Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, or spinal injuries which are incurable. For the patients who have that kind of disease, there exists a possible medical treatment. Embryonic stem cell research is something that may lead to cure for those diseases. An embryonic stem cell is different from other cells, because it can develop into any other type of cell. It can develop to such as skins, bones, or muscles, so this treatment may possibly cure those diseases. To save people who are suffering from incurable diseases, scientists should keep studying this stem cell research. Not only to cure people who are suffering right now, but also we can stop incurable diseases being taken to our next generations.
Out of many studies on medical treatments to cure incurable diseases, stem cell research may lead current medical technology to find the solutions for them. Once this research has succeeded, we can expect huge advancements in medical science. Many other treatments are being researched, but they cannot be compared to potential abilities of embryonic stem cell research. When embryonic stem cells can grow up to any type of cells, adult stem cells can only grow up into limited cells. But adult stem cells have less ethical problems than embryonic stem cells, which are treated as human lives, because adult stem cells are collected from grown-up’s organs. Nonetheless, we still need to research on embryonic stem cells, since they are only possibility to treat incurable diseases for now.

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판매자 유형Bronze개인


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[인문]배아줄기세포 연구 관련 영문 리포트 .  stem cell research
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