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[영어]견우와 직녀 영작!!

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3페이지/한글파일 한컴오피스
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학교에서 발표 섭 한 자료 입니다..
인터넷상에서 조금씩 자료를 얻어서 직접 혼합했습니다.




Once upon a time, There once was a king in the heavens. people called him "Ok Hwang Sang Jae(The God)" He had a pretty daughter. she`s name is "Jeek Nyu"
she was a god of fabrics. She spent all days quilting stars, lights of the sun, shadows, etc...) when She grew up to be a young woman, One day on a spring, she saw a shepard boy bringing palaces` sheeps and cows thru the riverside. He was very handsome and they fell in love when they saw each other for the first time. "Jeek Nyu" told this story to her father, "Ok Hwang Sang Jae", and asked the God to grant her to marry him. "Ok Hwang Sang Jae" knew about this young shepard "Gyun Woo" was clever and kind, and also very good at caring the palaces` cows. He didn`t disapprove and granted the marriage. Jick Nyo and Gyun Woo played all the time. But, the couples were so happy that they became lazy doing their jobs. Sometimes Gyun Woo rode in the royal garden. This made a mess in the garden. The king became angry. The angry God decided to separate these two forever. The king said "You two must be punished," Everyone else is working hard, but you two are just playing and then The God ordered, "From this moment, JeekNyu stay west of the milkyway while making garment, and GyunWoo stays east of the milkyway." Finally, the OkHwangSangJae told them to live apart.
GyunWoo and JeekNyu asked for the God`s forgiveness, But the OkHwangSangJae did not change his mind.

참고 자료

판매자 유형Bronze개인


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