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[영작문]안락사 찬성반대

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최종 저작일
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In “A change of heart on assisted suicide” by Diane E. Meier, he disagrees with assisted suicide in that it has less benefit to legalize than to illegalize it. In “Why active euthanasia and physician assisted suicide should be legalized” by Len Doyal, he agrees with assisted suicide because it allows a patient to establish one’s self-worth. Although both authors consider the dignity of man important, Meier concentrates on the disadvantage of assisted suicide and Doyal focuses on the advantage of it.
On the one hand, Meier argues legalizing assisted suicide has some drawbacks because it would be difficult to enforce. Firstly, a patient who decides to die or not sometimes can feel discontinuous puzzlement worry and depression. It is because that dying patient hardly determines rational consideration about medical choice. Moreover, their decision can be uncertainty and changeable. For example, plentiful evidence demonstrates that any patients can not predict when they die until just days before death. Lastly, something such as financial problem or other burdens push them to kill themselves for the reason that assisted suicide would be a cheap and easy way to shun the costly and time-consuming care.

참고 자료

판매자 유형Bronze개인인증


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