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[인문학] Legalization of Cannabis 마리화나의 합법화

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
8페이지/워드파일 MS 워드
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마리화나의 합법화에 대해서 주장하는 글입니다.
하나의 문단마다 이 문단이 어디서 기인했는지 참고자료가 다 달려 있습니다. 총 14문단으로 나눠져 있습니다. 목차를 참고하시길..
그리고 영어로 적어져 있습니다.
간단한 영어 숙제로 쓰기에는 조금 뭐 한 내용과 분량이며, 심도 있게 조사해서 발표하는게 필요할때 쓸만 할 겁니다.
조사기간과 작성 기간까지 합치면 만드는데 약 2주 걸렸습니다. Words 수 2072 Character 수 13169입니다.


1. Introduction

2. Body
2.1 The Fact about cannabis
2.2 When and how does bias made.
2.3 Responsibility and Free Will of individual
2.4 Arresting as using cannabis
2.5 Opinion about banning cannabis
2.6 Counterargument
2.7 Wasting money for preventing cannabis use
2.8 Benefit of Cannabis
2.8.1 Industrial stuff
2.8.2 For making paper
2.8.3 Using for medicine.
2.9. Banning cannabis will decrease crime?
2.10 Worry about legalization of cannabis

3. Conclusion


1. Introduction

Society is made by human. In society, human makes rules, and follow rules that they made for maintaining society. If rule is not necessary, however, for maintaining society, it needs to exist? In this case, I think, rule has to be changed.
In most society, cannabis is illegal, namely LAW says, it has to be banned for maintaining society. But, after finding material about cannabis, I concluded cannabis is not a frightful thing like tobacco and alcohol. Also, it will not be element of breaking society, even if it becomes legal. And, there are no reason cannabis has to be illegal, if tobacco and alcohol are legal. Not only that, cannabis also has possibility to be used for vast industrial stuff and medicine. Why cannot we use cannabis?

참고 자료

1) http://www.norml.org/index.cfm?Group_ID=3849 -French Government Report Says Marijuana Poses Less Dangers Than Alcohol-
2) http://www.dopehead.net/anarclan/drugs.htm -For Legalization of cannabis-(Korean)
3) http://www.dopehead.net/anarclan/pot.htm -Understanding Hemp and Cannabis-(Korean)
4) http://www.norml.org/index.cfm?Group_ID=3375 -Personal Use-
5) http://www.norml.org/index.cfm?Group_ID=4413 -Arrest Report-
6) http://www.drugwatch.org/Canadian%20Chiefs%20of%20Police.htm -Drug Watch International-
7) http://www.masscann.org/faq_answers.htm - The MASS CANN/Norml FAQ-
8) http://www.ukcia.org/effects/myths.php - UKCIA - Cannabis Myths-
9) http://www.geocities.com/SiliconValley/Way/1824/lowalcohol.txt
10) http://www.hempnation.com/ -Hemp Nation-
11) http://www.cannabis.com/faqs/hemp1.shtml - Cannabis/Hemp FAQ [Part 1]-
12) http://www-unix.oit.umass.edu/~verdant/Marijuana_FAQ/X0016_6a_How_can_hemp_be_u.html - How can hemp be used as a medicine? -
13) http://www.cato.org/pubs/pas/pa121es.html - Thinking About Drug Legalization-
14) http://www.matsuri.net/cannabist/database/mjsrvy04/mjsrvy04.html -Research about legalization of cannabis- (Japanese)
판매자 유형Bronze개인


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[인문학] Legalization of Cannabis 마리화나의 합법화
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