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[영작] 래프팅 영작

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3.place in Korea
3.careful points


As time goes on, people wish for more active, thrilling and fast leisure sports. Rafting meet people`s wishes in these respect so more and more people go to raft, nowadays. Then, what is rafting? Rafting is what they take their bodies on a boat and plowing through the rough waves while paddling. In case of our country, rafting was introduced by the diffusion of the military rubber boat of Unite States Army in 1970`s, the rafting population has been growing steadily since then. So nowadays rafting-lover`s societies are more than 50 on internet, including ‘Wow! Rafting’ and the all of the societies` members are more than 43,000. And one member of ALFA, a leisure sports organization in OO University, said that they enjoy rafting 2 or 3 times in every summer. Also other groups or classes enjoy it as a MT course. In this document I will write merits and about places, Dong River and Han-tan River, of rafting and add each route, distance, cost of each course of the places. While I was searching the information, I found that each route, distance cost and so on of each rafting place is very different along tourist agencies. So I picked out the information from very popular site, http://www.dongkangnara.co.kr and http://www.raftingcamp.com/rafting/rafting01.htm. In addition I will write careful points while rafting, especially clothes and activity at final.

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