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A+ 자료) 배치 생산(Batch Production)

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
19페이지/파워포인트파일 MS 파워포인트
가격 3,000원 할인쿠폰받기


1. What is batch process?
2. Positioning batch in production processes
3. ‘Volume’ characteristic in batch production
4. ‘Variety’ characteristic in batch production
5. ‘A few stage’ characteristic in batch production
6. ‘Logistics’ characteristic in batch production
7. Comparison to other production processes
8. Case study - Biodiesel
9. Conclusion
10. Reference


Feedstock production : land availability, seeding, growing, yield and environmental impact of growing the feedstock
Feedstock logistic : harvesting, storing, preprocessing and transportation of the feedstock
Biofuel production : the feedstock is converted to biofuel

<중 략>

Transportation : the cost of feedstock transportation and risk of supply instability can be affected due to the inherent scale economics that encourage the construction of large biomass refineries.

참고 자료

Benavides, P. T., Salazar, J., & Diwekar, U. (2013). Economic comparison of continuous and batch production of biodiesel using soybean oil. Environmental Progress & Sustainable Energy, 32(1), 11-24.
Choudhari, S. C., Adil, G. K., & Ananthakumar, U. (2012). Choices in manufacturing strategy decision areas in batch production system–six case studies. International Journal of Production Research, 50(14), 3698-3717.
Operations Management – Along the supply chain, Russell & Taylor
Operations Management – A value-driven apporach, MELNYK & DENZLER
Analysis, Synthesis and design of chemical processes, Richard Turnton, Richard C. Bailie, Wallace B. Whiting, Joseph A. Shaeiwitz
GMCR Factory tour http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fasw0-4VbXY
판매자 유형Bronze개인


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