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孔子의 敎育的 人間像

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최종 저작일
11페이지/파일확장자 어도비 PDF
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* 본 문서는 배포용으로 복사 및 편집이 불가합니다.


발행기관 : 한국교육학회 수록지정보 : 교육학연구 / 13권 / 3호
저자명 : 都珖淳


一. 序言
二. 誠實한 人間
三. 主體的 人間
四. 自律的 人間
五. 知性的 人間
六. 社會的 人間
七. 結論

영어 초록

The central Point of Confucian thought is In(仁) the humanity of man; that is Confucian thought is humanistic in terms of emphasise of personal values. His aim of education is to build up the man of In(仁), that is the realization of man’s original nature; namely In (仁). I think the ideal man to be built up by his education is as these as following.
1. The man of sincerity
Man’s original nature is In(仁); so it is good. When one is aware and sincere to good humanity, one is possible to accornpiish true man. Therfore, Confucius emphasized “Chung-Sin” (忠信) that is man’s sincerity for both himself and others.
2. The man of subjective self
Man is the subject of possession and realization of moral humanity that is In(仁). He needs keep his own subjectivity independently from his enviromrnents. The following sayings of Confucius tell us suggest the facts. “To realize In(仁) is to be derived from oneself.” (爲仁由己) No one deprive the common man of his intention.”(匹夫不可 志也) “Is it not a Kunja,(君子), if he who doesn’t get angered although he is not acknowledged by others?” (人不知而不溫不亦君子乎)
3. The man of autonomy
The man of In(仁) is the subject of self-realization, so one should be acquired the personal autonomy that can decision universal principles by himself. The following sayings of Confucius tell it to us” “Kunja(君子) is not a Vessel of self, but a self itself.“ (君子不器) “If I do as I will, I am not beyond rule.” (從心所欲不踰矩)
4. The man of intelligence
Man is in need of intelligence for the acquiring of autonomy and subjectivity. If one is in need of intelligence one must learn and study. Intelligence is not merely theoretical but practical, because it aims to realize the moral value of In(仁). We Know it by Confucian sayings as following. “If one learns and practises occasionaly is it not joy?” (學而時習之下亦説乎) If I see the truth in the morning, I’m rather content to die in the evening.(朝聞道夕死可矣)If one has extra energy after practicing anything, one must learn.(行有餘力則以學文)
5. The man of Society
When man gets over one’s own ego and is aware of and realize the social-self, he could accomplish the self -realization of In(仁), because In(仁) is the very social-self that is to us. This can be shown in his following sayings. “If one wish to be independent, one should recognize other’s in dependences, one wishes to accomplish one’s own self one should make others accomplish their own selves.”(己欲而立人 己欲達而達介) “One must achieve one’s own In(仁) at the sacrifice of one’s own body.”(殺身性仁)Man of sincerity, man of subjective self, man of autonomy and man of intelligence, man of Society-the whole man of those is the image of educational man, who is no other than Kunja(君子). Kunja(君子) is another name of man who embodies human nature..

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