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초등학교 민속놀이 수업에 대한 교대생의 인식

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최종 저작일
11페이지/파일확장자 어도비 PDF
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* 본 문서는 배포용으로 복사 및 편집이 불가합니다.


발행기관 : 한국초등체육학회 수록지정보 : 한국초등체육학회지 / 14권 / 2호
저자명 : 이종목


Ⅰ. 서론
Ⅱ. 연구방법
Ⅲ. 결과 및 논의
Ⅳ. 요약 및 제언

한국어 초록

제7차 초등학교 교육과정 개정의 방향에서 체육은 움직임 욕구의 실현 및 체육 문화유산의 계승, 발전이라는 내재적 가치와 체력 및 건강의 유지․증진, 정서순화, 사회성 함양이라는 외재적 가치를 동시에 추구함으로써 인간의 ‘삶의 질’을 향상시키는데 공헌하는 교과로 성격을 규정하고 있다(교육인적자원부, 2008).
여기서 규정하고 있는 내재적 가치 중 체육 문화유산의 계승, 발전의 측면에서 우리가 관심을 가져야 할 부분은 민속놀이다.
민속놀이는 한 민족의 과거 생활을 보여주는 삶의 양식이며, 그 사회의 필연성에 의하여 유지․전승되는 것이기 때문에 단순히 여가나 오락의 차원을 넘어서 이해되어야 한다. 그러므로 아동에 있어서 민속놀이는

영어 초록

The purpose of this study is after analyzing how the folk game parts in the 7th curriculum of elementary school are composed and then, on the basis of the results, to look over the perceptions of the national university of education students, the pre-teachers, on the folk game class.
The participants of research were 4 students(1 male and 3 females) who had expressed their will to participate in this study, among fresh students of the department of physical education, D national university of education, in the second semester of 2006. The collection of research material(data) was done first of all by collecting physical education subject-related materials in 7th curriculum of elementary school in addition to an in-depth interview, and the analyzed material & methods include the contents of physical education subject course of the 7th curriculum in elementary school, the case-recording methods, an inductive category analysis, and a tri-angulation method to secure the truth of material(data).
The results of this study can be summarized as follows:
First, it's found that folk game contents in the 7th curriculum of elementary school were composed of total 29th hours including 17th hours of compulsory activities, 12th hours of elective activities.
Second, the object category in students' perception survey on folk game class includes their overall perceptions on the class, a perception on the contents of folk game, and on the teaching methods, and on the class evaluation.
Third, it's found from their overall perceptions survey that they have perceived folk games as a valuable thing due to being proper to our country and a folk game giving the joys of life.
Fourth, it's found from their perception survey on the class contents that the contents have included the parts needed to correct, they are of superficial knowledge, and are composed of fragmentary knowledges.
Fifth, students have perceived that the types of teaching methods were of play-focused class, theory acquirement through practice, and cooperative learning model.
Finally, it's found in the perception evaluation of students on the folk game class that the evaluation is focused on its origin and tradition, cooperative spirit and harmony.

※ Key words : perception, folk game, national university of education student

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