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대학수락능력시험 도입후의 고교교육 변화에 관한 연구

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26페이지/파일확장자 어도비 PDF
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* 본 문서는 배포용으로 복사 및 편집이 불가합니다.


발행기관 : 부산대학교 교육발전연구소 수록지정보 : 교육연구 / 4권
저자명 : 박병량, 변영계, 한대동, 성병창


Ⅱ.硏究 方法
Ⅲ.硏究結果 및 解釋
Ⅳ.結果 要約

영어 초록

Under the current school system in which secondary schools aim at the preparation for college extrance, the college entrance examination has a crucial impact on high school education. The former college extrance examination has been accused of causing many problems in high school education such as training students, in a recital mode, by giving gragmentary knowledges and skills picked up by teachers largely for the college entrance emanination. Under the examination wywtem students were not recommended either in school or at home to pursue their own intersts and concerns which are supposed to enhance higher order thinking including creativity. In order to reform this change-resisting high school education a new type of college entrance examination called College Scholastic Aptitude Test(CAST, hereafter) replaced the former one in 1990 in the worldwide tide of educational reform toward the quality education. This study is to examine whether and/or what extent the newly introduced CSAT has brouht changes to high school education.
This study began with two concrete research problems. First , to wht degree did the CSAT affect high school students partivularly in the areas of attitudes toward school, classroom learning and instruction, and study habits? This refers to personal affects separated from school educaion. Second, to what extent did the CAST make changes in high school education? This refers to institutional effects. As a survey , this study collected questionnaire data from 1,600 male and remale high school third graders from 33 high schools lovated in Pusan City and its surrounding KyungNam-Do province, The CAST was firstly introduced in 1990 when the survey respondents were then high school freshmen. The sample method is a systematic cluster random sample. After schools had been randemly selected about 60 students ( 2 classes) were sampled from each school. The questionnaire consisted of questions asking largely whether any changes were made in the areas such as individual student's studying strategies and their perceptions of schooling. The students' responses were analyzed according to concrete research problems using appropriate statistical methods.
The research results are summarized as follows. First, according to students' responses they evaluated that CAST was somewhat successful in measuring higher order thinking and somewhat conducive to lessening social problems caused by excessively competitive high - cost private lessons. The new exam, however, unexpectedly did not have affirmative effects on such areas as : undersirable aperation of high school ; measurment of learning ability ; selection of college qualifiers' and test item difficulty and discrimination. Second , the effects of CSAT on school - based tests were found to be both slightly positive and negative . For the positive side of the effects, the test content was not confined to textbooks but taken either from other non-text sources or from what was taught in classrooms beside textbooks; in solving the test questions not only correct answers were not required but also the problem-solving processess were also emphasized in school. In following area, however, there were almost no vhanges made ; the dominance of multiple -choice test items; anxiety of testers; the utilization of test results for own learning improvement' and the frequent school testing.
Third, since the introduction of CAST there have been almost no improvements in school organizational practives, management, and climates such as: extracurricular activities, communications with teachers, guidance and discipline, teachers' expectations of students, grouping of students accoring to ability and talent, and friendshiplamong classmate, One exception was that classroom climateds has become somewhat open and democratic than hefore. Foruth, with regard to classroom activities some inprovements have been detected. The classroom instruction has been somewhat changed into one emphasizing higher order thinking. It was revealed through teachers' effeots to employ new teaching methods and to carry out curriculum in a regular basis , to try to upgrade expectations of students, and to make classroom learning more explorative. on the other hand, in other areas of classroom activities it was hare to find any noriveable improvements.
Finally, it was the area of individual student's studying methods and attitudes that the most notiveable changes were found since the introduction of CSAT. TO mention some of them, the dependency on private lessons and private academic institutes was much lessened ; the learning materials were caried beside school text books; the student's autonomy has been increased in the area of learning needs and motivations, studying strategy from memorizing to understanding , and selecting educational or occupational careers based on one's own character and talent, AS a result, the introduction of CSAT seems to give students more confidence in studying and learning. Compared to these changes in individual - based studying sttitudes, perceptions and learning methods, the other institution - based learning attitudes, preceptions, and methods connected to schooling did not change notiveably. This contrasting finding is in a sense a main point of this study.

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