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Globalization of Korea Ginseng industry

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
62페이지/워드파일 MS 워드
가격 50,000원 할인쿠폰받기


Executive Summary
Chapter Topic Page

Chapter (1) Introduction 1.1 Objective of the project
1.2 Methodology

Chapter (2) Literature review
2.1 Globalization of the ginseng market
2.2 Present position of Korean ginseng in the world’s market
2.3 External threat by the world trade policy into South Korea
2.4 Promotion of ginseng industry into the rival countries
2.5 Methods of evaluating national competitiveness
2.6 Benefits of Korean ginseng
2.6.1 About Korean ginseng
2.6.2 Comparison of Korean ginseng with that of other countries
2.7 Methods of growing Korea's ginseng industry in crisis

Chapter (3) Present state and change in Korea's ginseng industry
3.1 Present state of exports and imports
3.2 Policy about ginseng industry
3.3 Diminishing ginseng industry

Chapter (4) The WTO Doha road and Korea’s ginseng industry
4.1 What is WTO/DDA
4.2 Impacts on the Korea’s ginseng industry

Chapter (5) Current state of the world's ginseng producers
5.1 Canada 5.1.1 Present state of exports and imports
5.1.2 System related to safety of ginseng products
5.1.3 The trend of development
5.2 China
5.2.1 Present state of exports and imports
5.2.2 System related to safety of ginseng products
5.2.3 The trend of development
5.3 USA
5.3.1 Present state of exports and imports
5.3.2 System related to safety of ginseng products
5.3.3 The trend of development

Chapter (6) Key determinants of Korea’s national competitiveness in ginseng industry
6.1 Factor endowments
6.1.1 Location and Climate
6.1.2 Land
6.1.3 Labor
6.2 Demand conditions
6.3 Relating and supporting industries
6.4 Firm strategy, structure, and rivalry
6.5 Conclusion of analysis

Chapter (7) Recommendations for Korea to increase its competitiveness in the global ginseng industry
7.1 Institutional improvement to ginseng industry growth
7.1.1 Reformation of policy to grow agricultural economics
7.1.2 Decisive measure to a monopolistic market
7.2 Effective plan for dealing with WTO/DDA
7.2.1 Counter step for the tariff reduction
7.2.2 Reinforcement of import system
7.3 Product development
7.3.1 The improvement of niche market
7.3.2 Quality increase
7.4 Overseas marketing

Chapter (8) Conclusion



Chapter (1): Introduction

1.1 Objective of the project

Twenty years ago, Korea was the world's top country in the ginseng industry. However, its country's status has nosedived in the world ginseng market during these 20 years due to face the challenges by changing the world trade policies and growing rivals. This project attempts to explore the significant issues impacting Korea's competitive position in the global ginseng industry. It outlines the current position of Korea's ginseng industry and the present state of rivals in the world ginseng market and seeks to address the problems of Korea's ginseng industry and define its future direction.

<중 략>

even though Korean is recognized for high their quality ginseng by the world ginseng market, the quality gap between Korean ginseng and other ginseng will gradually be closing in. In fact, Korea's government also invests in each province which cultivates ginseng, and set up plans similar to their rivals. But their support is lacking behind compared to the rivals and still has no system to systematically execute their program. Thus, its government is urgently in need to extend their investments and come up with systematical plans to catch up with their rivals.

참고 자료

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