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[영어 독후감] 조지오웰 1984 영어 감상문

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조지 오웰의 1984를 읽고 그에 대한 영어 감상문을 작성한 겁니다. 많은 도움 되시길 바랍니다.




"War is peace. Freedom is slavery. Ignorance is strength." (p.4)
This is how George Orwell depicted the society of Oceania, the totalitarian
society which appears in Orwell's 『1984』. It is clear that the statement quoted above is full of contradictions. However, George Orwell applied this contradiction into reality in one of his most renowned works, 『1984』. As a result, he succeeded in warning the negative aspects of a totalitarian society. It would be meaningful to analyze what Orwell tried to warn us about in his novel.
The story takes place in the 1980s London in the perspective of protagonist, Winston Smith. At the time, London had experienced a Communist Revolution and had become a small fraction of a superstate called Oceania, dictated by a legendary figure called 'Big Brother'. In the society he lived, people were kept under strict surveillance by a device called telescreens, which incessantly observed people of Oceania in order to detect signs of disobedience towards the Party. Even a slightest sign of rebel would make one captured and punished by the ‘thought-police’.

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[영어 독후감] 조지오웰 1984 영어 감상문
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