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Modernism (The Waste Land)

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영문학 영문 에세이




Much of Eliot’s poetry enacts a sense of displacement that remained with him. They include fragmentary elements which have deep hidden meanings and the poems are very suggestive, particularly The Waste Land bears a feeling of singularity for the reason that full of references and quotations from a number of mythical sources. So that it is necessary to have cultural and mythical background for better understanding. And Even Eliot himself noted that, the title, the plan and a good deal of the incidental symbolism of the poem were suggested by Miss Jesse L. Weston`s book on the Grail legend, From Ritual to Romance (Macmillan) and The Golden Bough. He also added that ‘anyone who is acquainted with these works will immediately recognize in the poem certain references to vegetation ceremonies.
Then why did Eliot place particular emphasis on the mythology and understanding of them? And as Marry Carr introduced, The Waste Land has been regarded not as one of the key works of modernism but also one of the greatest poetic achievements of twentieth century, hence as near as I could guess his quotation of mythology may have some reason which makes his work a great achievement.

참고 자료

The Waste Land: The note on The Waste Land in Wikisource Online, <http://en.wikisource.org/wiki/The_Waste_Land/Notes_on_The_Waste_Land>
Marry Karr, The Waste Land and other writings, in Random House online, < http://www.randomhouse.com/catalog/display.pperl?isbn=9780679641018>
Reginald shepherd, Mythology in poetry, <http://reginaldshepherd.blogspot.com/2007/08/mythology-in-poetry.html>
Kalaidijian, Walter, The Cambridge companion to American Modernism (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2005)
Emig, Rainer, Modernism in Poetry: Motivation, Structures, and Limits (London: Longman, 1996)
Marianne Tholmehlen, ‘The Waste Land’ in Literary Encyclopedia online, < http://www.litencyc.com/php/sworks.php?rec=true&UID=8096>
The Waste Land in Representative Poetry Online, < http://rpo.library.utoronto.ca/poem/790.html>
Silvia Levorato, T.S Eliot: Mastery and Escape <http://www.marcopolo.provincia.venezia.it/tommaseo/lezioni/Inglese/adp_99_00/TSEliot.htm>
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Modernism (The Waste Land)
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