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global climate change 에세이 - 교환학생 과제

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8페이지/워드파일 MS 워드
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교환학생 때 기업윤리 과제로 작성한 세계기후변화 영문 에세이 입니다.


1. Effects of global climate change
2. Introduction
3. Reduce meat consumption
4. Decrease the use of fossil fuels
5. Utilize renewable energy
6. Examples of utilizing renewable energy
7. Conclusion
8. Reference


In conclusion, Global warming is no longer a far away fear. It is a fact. There is no time to lose. If we make small changes now in the way we live, we can avoid huge bad changes in the future. We can reduce our meat consumption to decrease emission of methane, which is mainly responsible for global warming. Also, we can reduce a lot of waste, which comes from raising a great deal of livestock. We can understand our carbon footprint and try to decrease the amount of emission which we made in our daily lives. We can figure out how to reduce using of fossil fuels. We can use renewable and alternative energy by using natural energy source around us.

Moreover, we can persuade other people to stop global climate change. Some people might think that one person couldn't create environmental changes in the world. However, one’s influence is stronger than you thought. For example, Wangari Maathai(1940-2011) was the founder of the Green Belt Movement.

참고 자료

Food & Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations. Livestock’s Long Shadow (2006)
Live science- What is global warming? 15.12.2014
Union of concerned science- Global warming effects
EPA(United States Environmental Protection Agency)- Carbon dioxide emissions
The Christian Science Monitor- Study: Forests absorb much more greenhouse gas than previously known 15.07.2011
WorldWatch- Global meat production and consumption continue to rise 11.10.2011
David Suzuki Foundation- Food and climate change
British Columbia- Fossil fuels and energy use
Solar energy- Benefits of solar power systems for homes
EPA(United States Environmental Protection Agency)- What you can do: at home
Pennstate- What is renewable energy?
Copenhagen capacity- Denmark far with green transition 28.10.2014
The green belt movement- biography
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