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Combination Logic Circuit Design

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
5페이지/한글파일 한컴오피스
가격 1,500원 할인쿠폰받기


연세대학교 전기전자기초실험 예비 래포트입니다. 누구한테 준 적 없는 자료이구요 ~ A0 받았습니다 ~~


① Survey the following multiplexer
② Compare the differences between encoder and multiplexer.
③ Compare the differences between decoder and multiplexer.
④ Compare the differences between decoder and encoder.
⑤ Survey other types of decoder.
⑥ Survey either of 7446, 7447, 7448 elements
⑦ Express 7-segment controller using verilog HDL.


Encoder creates input variables and n output values, and its called m×n encoder. For example a single bit 4 to 2 encoder takes in 4 bits and outputs 2 bits like upper figure. The encoder has the limitation that only one input can be active at any given time. If two inputs are simultaneously active, the output produces an undefined combination. To prevent this we make use of the priority encoder. A priority encoder is such that if two or more inputs are given at the same time, the input having the highest priority will take precedence.

Digital multiplexer is one of the combination circuits that selects one among many inputs, and connects it to output. A particular input is chosen according to selected value. Generally, multiplexer has input values and n selecting values. And the multiplexer choose one input value according to the combination of n selecting values.

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판매자 유형Bronze개인


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Combination Logic Circuit Design
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