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Personal Essay (Longterm Goal)

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
2페이지/워드파일 MS 워드
가격 1,000원 할인쿠폰받기


This essay shows how to write personal essay as an example, (My Longterm Goal)




Whenever I am being regarding my long-term goals, I always ended up with three possible answers. First is, practically speaking, to earn a lot of money. This is to please and bring back my deepest thanks and appreciation to my parents. Pleasing my parents and knowing that they are enjoying with what I’m giving them mean a lot to me. It’s my passion to serve them. And I think that I can possibly do that if I have earned a lot of money. Just to give some background, both my parents live in Korea right now. My father is a car salesman under Volkswagen. I know that it’s really a hard job. And what pained me is when I see them fake their real condition where in fact I knew it from the start, it’s really hard. I knew it. But my father just kept it and never did he show to me that he’s actually tired of it and hard on it. On the other hand, my mother is selling clothes in a department store. I don’t know where she is drawing her strength. Imagine, she has to go to Seoul, which is really far from my city, every Tuesday just to work. She doesn’t relax that much. My parents are very busy working for my own sake, for my education. That is why when I have earned a lot of money, I would really buy him a car. And for my mother I will give her expensive clothes to wear.

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Personal Essay (Longterm Goal)
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