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(Oral Presentation Script) Moderngadgets 2

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(Oral Presentation Speech Script) Moderngadgets 2




American (how can it be about America,) problem: it can be anywhere in the word? More about
america, year, satistic
The widespread use of modern gadgets and its affect in American Society
Idea 1: Modern gadget makes communication faster and easier
Affect their business (Government, Country), E-mail is much faster than just letter.
Idea 2: Modern gadgets made work easier.
When we write airport or documents, we do not need to write it, but just type it.
Idea 3: It makes the information dissemination very fast.
Using internet and e-mail make the information dissemination very fast.
Idea 4: Modern gadgets can cause stress because noise pollution.
Ringing cell phone in the library
Idea 5: Modern gadgets changed the social life of people.
Social networking websites
Idea 6: Modern gadgets can create chaos through the in proper usage of the technology.
Plagiarism, copying of the other’s work
Idea 7: It makes the education system easy and affordable.
Using PowerPoint presentation in teaching not the black board anymore
Idea 8: Import of communication technology on lying behavior.

참고 자료

판매자 유형Bronze개인


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