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Relationships for Korean Unification

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
12페이지/워드파일 MS 워드
가격 2,000원 할인쿠폰받기


통일과 관련된 한국과 주변 강대국들과의 관계를 직접 서술한 글입니다.


Relationships for Korean Unification
1. Introduction
A. comparison with old Korean Saying
B. Arousing national consciousness and following the globalization.
2. Inter-Korea relationship
A. Current two different states in politically and economically.
B. North Korea’s crisis for starve for shortage of food and isolate from global society.
C. South Korea’s prosperity to held G20
D. Meaning of Inter-Korea summit in 2000
E. Provocation of North Korea
i. Killing Tourist of South Korea, Warship Cheonan
3. Relationship with the United State.
A. The United states as neighbor like other country, Japan and China because the
B. The fact that US helped growth in economy and politics for South Korea.
i. miracle of South Korea, Ranking of GDP
C. hostile relations with North Korea
i. George W. Bush, Nuclear threat, axis of evil
D. attitude toward the United state for good relationship
4. Relationship with the Japan.
A. The country of describtion, “so near, yet so far.”
B. Friendly attitude toward Korea
i. In 2005, “Korea-Japan friendship year” ,“Korean wave” in Japan
C. Hostile attitude toward Korea
i. Textbook controversy ,“Taepodong” launch, own spy satellite system
D. Position of Japan in the world and affection for Korea unification
5. The Relationship with China.
A. The country of many titles
i. Most populous country, second largest country, fastest growing economy. traditional confucial culture
B. Special position of China toward and the reason
i. Relation of military friendship with North Korea
ii. Economy partner with South Korea
C. Korea’s dependency to China for unification
6. Relationship with other countries
A. Russia (Subject of making Russia regain that power.)
B. Germany(Example of good Unification, lesson from Germany Unification)
C. Vietnam and Yemen(Example of bad Unification by force)
7. Necessity of Unification
A. Suspicion of Unification
i. Yeonpyeong event
B. aspect of human being
i. Seperated family, Economic hardship of North Korea
8. Conclusion
A. Globalization and global cooperation
B. synergy effect for Korea unification


There is an old Korean Saying
“A shrimp gets crushed to death in the fight between whales.”
This Saying expresses Korean situation well. The main reason that Korean peninsula has been separated over the past years was from Cold War. Two strong countries representing wales, Soviet Union and USA brought about tension of Korean peninsula. Although the process of cold war was finished, it was failed to make one Korea. And at the result, for more than a century, two Korea has been separated. And by times go, gap of two Koreas has been bigger and bigger. Therefore, reunification should be come true for peace of peninsula before it is too late. However, nowadays, reunification is not being considered as serious issue among young people. And they even have no idea that two Korea’s origin is from one dynasty and we share the same blood. Therefore, to arouse national consciousness and to follow the globalization, I will write about relationships with other countries including inter-Korea and how way we should prepare reunification for the future.

참고 자료

An, Lu. “inter-KoreanSummit.” xinhuanet.com, 13 Nov. 2010. Web. 8 Aug 2007.
Dujarric, Robert. Korean unification and after: the challenge for U.S. strategy. Indianapolis IN: Hudson Institute, c2000. Print.
Gearge W. Bush. State of the Union Address. Whitehouse.gov, 10 Nov. 2010 Web. 29 Jan. 2002.
“General information of North Korea.” uniKorea.com. Ministry of Unification, 2 Nov. 2010. Web. 1996.
Howard, French. “Japan Rediscovers its Korean Past.” New York Times, 9 Nov. 2010. Web. 11 Mar. 2002.

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