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헤밍웨이의 단편 cat in the rain(빗속의 고양이)의 영문 에세이입니다.

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헤밍웨이의 단편 cat in the rain(빗속의 고양이)의 영문 에세이입니다.
특히, 여자 주인공중심으로 쓰여져있습니다.




Ernest Hemingway was an American writer. He won Nobel Prize in
Literature and Pulitzer Prize. He was born July 21, 1899, in Oak park, Illinois.
Later, He suffered with depression and committed suicide; he died July 2, 1961,
age of sixty-one. He wrote seven novels, six collections of short stories, and
some non-fictions include short story “Cat in the Rain.” Hemingway wrote “Cat
in the Rain” while he was having a vacation in Rapallo, Italy in 1920s. The story
is quite simple. An American couple visits Italy, and they stay in the room which
has the view of the sea and the garden. One rainy day, an American woman sees a
cat in the rain. She is going to get the cat, but the cat is already gone, and she
comes back to her room. Nevertheless, she keeps saying, “I wanted it so much. I
wanted a kitty” (Hemingway 688). Does she really want that cat? Or does she
want something else? What does she want? It is not about a cat. She wants a
hotel keeper ’s attention and her husband’s love.

참고 자료

Felty, Darren. “Spatial Confinement in Hemingway`s `Cat in the Rain.`” Studies
in Short Fiction 34.3(1997):363-9. Literary Reference Center. Web. 11
Mar. 2010.
Griffin, Peter. “A Foul Mood, a Dirty Joke: Hemingway’s `Cat in the Rain.`.”
Hemingway Review. 20.2(2001): 99-102. Literary Reference Center. Web.
11 Mar. 2010.
Hemingway, Ernest. “Cat in the Rain.” Literature and Composition. Ed Sylvan
Barnet et al. 8th ed. New York: Longman, 2007. 687-89. Print.


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