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Investigative Report about Innocean Worldwide_Human Resources System

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
4페이지/워드파일 MS 워드
가격 1,000원 할인쿠폰받기


인재 경영의 좋은 사례를 가진 현대자동차 광고대행사, Innocean Worldwide를 소개하고, 특히 이노션의 인사 시스템에 대해 분석한 영문 리포트입니다. 엄격한 영국 교수님의 수업에서 A++의 점수를 받은 우수한 리포트입니다.




This investigative report is written to show excellent activities of Innocean and provide information to the students who want to get a job after graduation. It is the reason why this paper is focused on the human resources part.

Innocean Worldwide is a marketing and communications company in Seoul, South Korea. It is founded in 2005 and grew rapidly and now it is the second largest advertising agency in South Korea. Innocean provides a wide portfolio of marketing communications services including sales promotion, event promotion, space & exhibition, sports marketing, as well as the production of large-scale performance events. Innocean is also currently developing its own brand strategy management program to provide more systemic and well-organized management and consulting services for customers [1].

Innocean is an affiliate of the Hyundai Group and acts as the agency-of-record for other group affiliates as well. In recent years, Innocean received many big orders in the advertising industry and increased its sales by 41.39% within one year

참고 자료

[1] Innocean worldwide, from http://www.innocean.com/EngMain.asp
[2] Turning over and over in the advertising market, 2008, The Financial News Korea, 6 May
[3] Good working corporate culture, Innocean, 2008, The Weekly Dong-A, 1 July

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Investigative Report about Innocean Worldwide_Human Resources System
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