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reflective essay

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
3페이지/워드파일 MS 워드
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몇가지 항목에 대해 스스로 질문을 하는 형식을 기본으로 하여 작성 하였습니다




The topic of the first essay in ENG 105 class was The First Amendment. I read a lot of references that are related to two specific subjects during the class. The one was Book Banning and another was Internet Restriction and Censorship. I decided to write essay about the first subject: Internet Restriction because these day, many people are using Internet, but they don`t consider about the problems are caused by it and the solutions. And I explained three reasons to support my subject in the body after I choose my detailed aim of this essay: The Necessity of Internet Restriction.
I used several methods to find some references and get idea before I write essay. At first, I used Internet search

I wrote my essay to explain problem that can be caused when we use Internet without any restrictions or censorship. And I used three reasons to support my assertion. Of course, some people might oppose my opinion. However I assert that we need to regulate the problems even though restriction or censorship sometimes encroach the freedom of a private person. And some people will know about the seriousness of the Internet problems after reading my essay.
If I advise another student who want to do a project on the same topic, I will recommend that we need to find more references or examples to support you assertion. Furthermore, we need to think about opposite problems because there are some disadvantages of Internet restriction. So,

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