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영국의 대기오염 역사

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
10페이지/워드파일 MS 워드
가격 1,500원 할인쿠폰받기


영국의 대기오염 역사에 대해서 다루고 있습니다.
짧지만 Primary Source가 꽤 많고 영국 내 원서와 페이지들을
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세계사 레포트로 썼던 영문 레포트입니다.


1. Introduction
2. Early History of Urban Air Pollution in London.
3. London Fog
3.1 Causes
3.2 Damages
3.3 Response
4. Bibliography


The air pollution problem is closely related to the number of people living in an area and the kinds of activities in which they are involved. When a population is small and its energy use is low, the impact to people is small. Pollution is diluted and the overall negative effect is slight. However, ever since the industrial revolution, people started moving from rural areas to urban areas. Simultaneously, factories using huge amount of fossil fuels and energy were initiated and located in city centers. These are what induced such tragic air pollution accidents. Because London has been one of the most urbanized and industrialized cities since the early industrial revolution period, London showed the series of accidents and progress of air pollution eminently. Other states and cities followed or went simultaneously with London. The occasions and the causes were similar. Therefore, London’s air pollution accidents and people’s action toward these disasters should be considered deeply in order to know the early history of urban air pollution.

서론 내용입니다.

참고 자료

1. Roy Porter, London, a social history: Harvard University Press
2. Edward Royle, Modern Britain A Social History 1750, London : Hodder 2nd ed. 1997
3. Joe R. Eagleman . Air Pollution Meteorology: Trimedia, 1991
4. Chris Cook & John Stevenson, Britain Since 1945, Second Edition : Longman, 2000
5. Kenneth J. Panton & Keith A.Cowlard, Historical Dictionary of The United Kingdom, Vol.1 England and the United Kingdom : The Scarecrow Press, 1997
6. Joel A. Tarr, Devastation and Renewal: University of Pittsburgh Press, Pittsburgh, 2005
7. Eldon D.Enger, Bradley F.Smith., Environmental Science: A Study of Interrelationships : McGrawHill

8. Article: John Evelyn from Wikipedia,
9. Article: Clear Air Act: Legislative background, from UK Smoke Control Areas,
10. Article: The Great Smog of 1952 from MetOffice,
11. Article: Inverse Layer from Wikipedia,
12. Article: Smoke Control Areas from UK Smoke Control Areas,
13. Article: Clean Air Act 1993, from Office of Public Sector Information
http://www.opsi.gov.uk/acts/acts1993/Ukpga_19930011_en_1.htm (Clean Air act 1993)
14. Article: The Donora Fluoride Fog, from Fluoridation
15. Article: The Fog Disaster in the Meuse Valley from Fluoride Action Network
16. Article: Edward I of England from Wikipedia,
17. Article: Alkali Act 1863 from Wikipedia
18. Article: The Doom of London from Web-Books

19. Article: Sensing The City from IITS Concordia
20. Article: History of Air Pollution from Article Climate, Environment
21. Article: Exhaust from Birkbeck University of London
판매자 유형Bronze개인


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