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[영어독후감]가와바타 야스나리의 설국, 카프카의 변신, Chinua Achebe의 Things Fall Apart

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최종 저작일
2페이지/한글파일 한컴오피스
가격 4,000원 할인쿠폰받기


가와바타 야스나리의 설국, 카프카의 변신, Chinua Achebe의 Things Fall Apart를 영문판으로 읽고 작성한 영문독후감입니다.


Snow Country: An Empty Life, An Empty Love
The Metamorphosis: Worthless Like A Vermin
Things Fall Apart: A Tragic Hero


Snow Country: An Empty Life, An Empty Love

It is a story of a rich man who visited a small, isolated town. When the train took Shimamura to snow country, it seemed that he was away from his ordinary life. He led a meaningless and a superficial days as he inherited his fortune and lived to find pleasure. He met a young woman named Komako, who worked as a Geisha and really cared about him. Although the love that developed between them was deep, it was distorted by their obsession with Yoko. She seemed desirable to him because she appeared to him beautiful and pure like a delicate reflection in the window against the mountain landscape. He wanted to remain just friends with Komako who has a genuine affection to him. It seems this story was going to become the typical triangle love story. But his love was passionless, just like his life was. In fact, there was no satisfactory ending, but only a burnt down warehouse and death of Yoko. Because the end was vague, I was left with the impression that the book was unfinished. It seemed that nature and landscape were of great importance to the writer which articulated through Shimamura. The only thing that presented intensely in this story was the beauty of nature. It was full of beautiful imagery and detail of life in the snow country, but, at the same time, it might left the readers feeling very empty.

참고 자료

가와바타 야스나리, 설국.
프란츠 카프카, 변신.
Chinua Achebe, Things Fall Apart.

이 자료와 함께 구매한 자료

판매자 유형Bronze개인인증


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[영어독후감]가와바타 야스나리의 설국, 카프카의 변신, Chinua Achebe의 Things Fall Apart
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