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소네트 116 영문 분석, (Sonnet 116)

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3페이지/워드파일 MS 워드
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셰익스피어의 소네트
그중에서도 유명한 116번을 영문으로 분석하였습니다.
미국인 친구가 도와주어서 점수를 좀더 잘받았던걸로 기억합니다.
도움이 되시길 바랍니다.




The definition of “true love” is vague and means something different to everyone. Some people may say that their love is true love and the most beautiful love in the world. What if your love ended up in a bad way, however, would you still say that the love was true love? Sonnet 116 is the one of the masterpieces of Shakespeare’s sonnets. In Sonnet 116, the speaker contemplates the idea of true love. Also, he defines what true love is and is not. Through this sonnet, he explains that one should not betray their lover even though their love may betray them. Therefore, this sonnet conveys the essence of steadfast love specifically in the renaissance age.
In the first quatrain of this sonnet, the speaker says people ought not to change
their mind if they think their love is true love because the true love comes with sincere mind. This sonnet begins with the speaker saying, “let me not to the marriage of true minds”(1). In the line, the speaker claims that true love remains eternal and is not changed. Also, he uses the word “impediments” (2). The connotation of this word implies that obstacles are not important in true love.

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판매자 유형Bronze개인인증


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소네트 116 영문 분석, (Sonnet 116)
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