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The Medea of Venice – a mythical translation of The Merchant of Venice

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연세대학교 영문과 대학원생이 학부시절 작성한 영어레포트입니다

베니스의 상인에 등장하는 여자주인공 Portia를 그리스신화의 Medea와 연결지어 작성했습니다.




In The Merchant of Venice, Bassanio sails to Bermont for the courtship which is often compared to the adventure of Jason who pursued the “golden fleece” in Greek Myth. In fact, Bassanio acquires the “golden fleece” as Jason did: “We are the Jasons, we have won the fleece” (Ⅲ. ⅱ. 242). So then, what is this “golden fleece” that Bassanio obtained? The most plain and probable answer to this would be Portia who weds with him delightfully as if she were a proper reward for an adventure. Yet, is it really so? When Bassanio makes mention of Portia for the first time in the play, what he says is that there is “a lady richly left” (Ⅰ. ⅰ. 160); the “golden fleece” for Bassanio seems to be her money, not herself.

참고 자료

Shakespeare, William. The Merchant of Venice. Ed. M. M. Mahood. UK: University of Cambridge. 2007.
René Girard. “To Entrap the Wisest.” Literature and Society-Selected Papers from The English Institute. No.3.
판매자 유형Bronze개인


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The Medea of Venice – a mythical translation of The Merchant of Venice
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